Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Monday, 6 April 2020

It's a start

If the thick grey clouds rolling across the Thanet skies remain into darkness, tonight, then I'm hopeful I might hear one or two bits after I finish my shift at 21.40 hrs? I managed to get a few shots of the visiting Hedgehog last night, but had the camera set on manual and didn't adjust the white balance to flash. It was only when I switched to auto that I realised my mistake and by then it was too late, my quarry was off back up the garden.

Out in the garden just before 07.00 hrs this morning, ever hopeful, but had to make do with the regular birds which inhabit the locality. Still managed a couple of images which are a vast improvement on my earlier efforts so I'll use them to fill a bit of space.

Playing around, yesterday, with some sunset images did little more than demonstrate quite how dirty my sensor, in the EOS 350d is and was something which needed sorting out. A little bit fiddly, but not overly technical, I eventually got the shots I was hoping for - without those horrible blurred dust marks which are such a pain.


  1. You're moving along nicely Dyl. Enjoying reading what's passing through or over your garden. I'm currently on 43. Highlights being calling Water Rail, Wigeon and Teal at night.

    1. To be honest Marc, I'm really enjoying myself. I've not recorded one species during the hours of darkness, but feel sure this will change as migration picks up - Easter weekend looks promising if the BBC weather forecast is trustworthy? Take care & stay safe - Dyl

  2. Hi Dyl. You are so lucky to have Hedgehogs visiting your garden, they appear to be quite a rare sight around here. We did have one a few years back but I've not seen one here for years, owning two dogs doesn't help - maybe they've scared them off.
    You might want to check your spelling on this post - I assume you meant to type bats and not 'bits'? It doesn't quite read well.
    Looking forward as ever to your next posts - both interesting and entertaining.
    Love to Bev. Phil

    1. Hi Phil,
      Yes indeed, we're very lucky to have hedgehogs around our garden. They used to be extremely common on Thanet fifteen years ago, but have almost disappeared now. It was one of my neighbours who told me that she'd seen one in her garden that provided the encouragement to put some food out. I'm really glad that we have and the fact that hedgehogs have started to visit the garden regularly is all the encouragement I require to keep the feeding station topped up. When this lockdown is over I hope that Emily & Harry, two of the grand-kids, will get the chance to see their first living hedgehogs. The only one's they've seen have been "dedgehogs".
      As for my spelling? No, bits is exactly what I meant - you've got to understand it was in the context of NocMig (listening for birds calling in the darkness as they migrate overhead) then it should make more sense, I think?

      Hoping all is well at your end - Dyl
