Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Friday, 3 April 2020

#BWKm0 - another one bites the dust

I feel incredibly privileged to work for an organisation which takes employee care so seriously. With all the other chaos caused by our current situation, financial uncertainty won't help combat the everyday pressures of this pandemic. That the UK Government have stepped up to the plate is highly commendable, even Jeremy Corbyn couldn't have seen, in his wildest dreams, any of those measures coming?  As an employee of Fujifilm SIS, our business falls under the umbrella of the European Fuji network and our Japanese parent company has been very quick to offer clarity to the guys and gals who make up their global workforce. There are many restrictions on what an individual can, and cannot, post on social media about the Fujifilm business. However, in this instance I don't see me getting an employee discussion, or worse, for singing their praises. Basically the message coming out of Japan is that we're all part of the Fuji family and the Company will look after us through these crazy times. Extraordinarily comforting!!!!!!!!!
Right that's enough arse licking! What's been happening in Dumpton this fine Friday afternoon?
For the second day running, a pair of Common Buzzards have been engaged in sky dancing displays, which includes the vocal accompaniment, over the main compound of Newlands Farm. Surely they can't be serious about occupying such an urban territory?

Black Vulture - possibly the most impressive raptor that patrols the skies of Europe?
The adrenaline rush caused by a garden White-tailed Eagle will be no less thrilling!

News of the White-tailed Eagle being present over Ramsgate (Newington), yesterday, came via a comment posted on Thursday's offering by none other than Mr Pegwell Bay himself - Phil Milton Esq. Since reading the original, then the subsequently updated, post of Stewart Sexton about his own "Eagle" experience I have been acutely aware of how close this wandering individual has come to Dumpton airspace and my likely reaction! Given the weather forecast for the coming weekend I'm feeling confident that something extraordinary could happen. An eagle, well that would be nice, but I'd quite happily settle for a White Stork or a Crane. Steve Gale has shown us what is achievable if we're prepared to listen for avian activity during the hours of darkness, yet others in our midst, have taken the other option and gone down the trail of "Noc-Mig" sound recording and examining the results next morning. Being an old fart, obviously one method does it for me and the other doesn't. But that is no reason for those who use this technology to stop, just one opinion in a melting pot of many others.
A pair of Jays in the garden hedge, very briefly, before flying off towards the main farm compound were a long awaited addition and complete my "corvid" quota.
35 - Jay - a pair in the garden, briefly, before flying off towards Newlands Farm


  1. Like a barn door. Saw one briefly in North Norfolk not too long ago, with a handy red kite for size comparison.

    1. BB,
      I've been very fortunate to have seen these magnificent birds at several sites, including Kent, during my lifetime. A barn door with wings is a superb description of what the experience is like. Hoping that you and the family are keeping well - Dylan

    2. Thanks Dylan.

      Its a trial for my wife as an reluctant homeschoooler, kids seem ok. Take care of you and yours. Be safe.h

  2. Crikey Dyl, for someone who appears so non-conformist, I've rarely heard anyone sing the praises of an employer as much as you do.

    Look. Money earned is fine. Work is also fine, as in making a contribution to society. But as an employee? Stuff that!
    I mean, for substantial parts of your life, you dance to the tune of an employer. You wake up when they say, go and do what they say, and get paid what they deem is your worth. Well for me I find that concept totally demeaning.

    Financial Independence (FI)is the Holy Grail of modern life. I have it, it's called 100% choice. Damned if that choice is to work for someone who uses me for a profit.

    Fact is, you have it (FI) as well. You just don't believe it. Or rather, know how to deal with it. It took me years to get used to being able to tell all and sundry to go 'f' themselves if they tried taking liberties with the work I choose to do.

    However, as an employee myself for many years, I accepted the deal for what it was. I played the game. I was very conscientious. I never pulled strokes, wasted time or took liberties. I was professional and recognised the opportunity offered me. And that was an opportunity to escape the system. So I served my sentence and bought my freedom.

    This is one massive advantage right now. And is on my terms. I don't need an employer to make things 'safe as' for me. I've done that for myself. Basically, I'm the one paying for it.

    Odds on your colleagues take a really dim view of your choice to stay in their ranks. To them, you are taking the piss. They work because they must. They must work for wages because without money they are dead on the streets. That's all the choice they have. Or worse will ever have.

    You don't have to do that.

    So right now, I don't have to do anything. I can stay home forever. I can do anything I want, anytime I want forever.

    That's all the choice I ever wanted. And the power to keep others off of my back.

    Take care

    1. Ric,

      The "Holy Grail" is FI? Not too sure I'll ever be able to align myself with anything which puts money before health and happiness? I go to work, sure, but wouldn't if I felt that my efforts were not being recognised/rewarded. Kodak, Unilever and Fujifilm have been my route to where I am now and I can't say anything bad about this situation. I own my own home, have decent holidays and wish for little that I don't already have. For all these factors, I'm indebted to those businesses who've employed me.
      If I'm sick - I get paid, on holiday? Yep I still get my salary. There is nothing more to it. I chose my pathway through life wanting so much more than money could ever provide. How can you put a price on completing the London Marathon, catching a "grander" Atlantic Blue Marlin. watching your grandchildren grow up, looking at a spider - the id of which matters not a jot!
      Money is the least important aspect in my life. If I've enough than that's all I require, certainly no more. "Enough is as good as a feast!"
      You're absolutely spot on about some of those guys with whom I work. They are well screwed up by my attendance, which just adds to my desire to keep working. If my life is so much of a concern, they can't have much of one themselves? My parents always instilled in us that work was essential if you wish to attain anything. My desire, at this point in my adventure, is to hope I'm able to provide the same impact on Bev & my kids as my parents did for us when it's our turn to leave this mortal coil.
      So on this one we'll have to agree to disagree?
      Keep safe - Dyl
