Who am I?

An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Thursday 25 July 2024

Pegwell Little Egrets

I took a drive down to Pegwell Bay NNR this afternoon to coincide with high tide. I actually stayed longer than I'd anticipated due to a belt of rain which had me confined within the dry, yet worst hide, from an optic users perspective, I've ever sat in. The steel container which has been converted into a hide has, for security reasons, had the viewing windows completely compromised by the heavy metal bars which are positioned half way up the opening to prevent lowlife, drug taking, alcohol fueled, scum-bags from using the facility as a squat! Oh, the joys of living by the seaside. Still, the hide does allow a reasonable view across the bay and Stour estuary, although not particularly suited for the use of telescope or camera with a long lens. Fortunately, none of this was a concern today, as the majority of what I saw was around the "Garage Pool". A Greenshank and four juv Ringed Plovers were the only waders around the muddy margins with a large number of Black-headed Gulls present on the far margin of the pool. Careful scanning allowed me to pick out a lone adult Mediterranean Gull but, it was the presence of thirty-nine Little Egrets which really surprised me. I actually added another seven when I reached the hide, so the minimum total was forty-six!

From the hide, itself, I was able to see good numbers of Sandwich Terns (100+), a few Common Tern, another ten adult & two juv Mediterranean Gulls, lots of Dunlin, seven Shelduck and a smattering of Redshank, Curlew and Whimbrel. There were a few hirundines moving south over the saltmarsh, the majority were Swallows, but I did pick out two Sand Martins for my efforts. Bird of the session was a smart juvenile Yellow-legged Gull which dropped in on Shellness Point briefly. A big adult Grey Seal was seen a few times out in the bay, whilst the more familiar Common Seals were bobbing about in the mouth of The Stour. No great shakes, but nice to get out of the garden for a change of scenery.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

More questions than answers

 In my previous offering I had mentioned I had another post, in prep, which I hoped would allow me to explain my personal viewpoint about the killing of specimens in order to obtain positive id. Although I had no desire to upset any group, or individual, I am afraid that had I posted my thoughts it might not have gone smoothly. I guess a diplomat is not something I'll ever aspire to be. "Say it as it is" being far more in tune with my factory floor background, hence that particular piece was trashed before it caused any ripples around the cyber network. I haven't changed my opinions and remain opposed to the use of any lethal id techniques for such trivia as garden/county/life moth (invertebrate) listing and because of this will not align myself with, or submit any of my records into, this system. 

To change tack entirely. It was almost a year ago when I pointed my long lense in the direction of a Bat sp. which was flying around the back garden at dusk. The result wasn't about to elevate me within any photographic echelons, but it was something I felt would be worth further effort if chances arose. Over the past three, or four, evenings there has been quite a noticeable increase in bat activity so I decided to have another bash. As with my recent foray into macro photography, the only way I'll learn anything is by giving it a bash and learning from the mistakes as they occur. My Magenta 5 Bat Detector suggests that the species involved is one of the Common Pipistrelle group, so not particularly large subjects to get onto the image finder. 

As you can see from the resultant images, there is certainly a number of positives to be gleaned yet, also much room for improvement and experimentation. I was using the long lense at 135mm f5.6, with a shutter speed of 1/320th sec in manual mode with auto ISO setting. I feel sure that this last option is why the images are so washed out and grainy. When I checked the file details for these images, the camera had defaulted to ISO 6400. Time for plan B (there could well be plans C,D,E & F if required?) If I am able to get out again this evening, I am going to set the ISO at 800, but keep all the other settings as before.

You know that things are on the up when Diamond-backs start appearing on the egg trays.

In the same vein, my macro efforts have certainly provided evidence that my techniques are headed in the right direction, although certainly nowhere close to a level of consistency I would like. The garden moth trapping has seen a real upturn in recent days with some very nice moths being attracted by the 125w MV bulb.so I am not struggling to find subjects on which to practice. By modern standards, the kit I use is very "old hat" yet more than capable of providing images which are suitable for use on this blog. What follow are a selection of images that I've taken recently with my EOS 70D, a 20 mm extension tube and 18 - 55 mm EFS image stabilized lens.

One of the Caloptilia "minefield" to quote Francis Solly

Fig Leaf Skeletonizer

A (Light?) Grey Tortrix 

To be fair, the only way is up and, by recognising my faults, it should be a very enjoyable adventure as I seek to push the boundaries of my photographic skill base. Finally, please don't think that I've given up fishing. Benno and I are back down the RMC on Friday and, following today's very positive meeting with Bev's cancer consultant, angling should once again return to my weekly routine, thus blogging, now that the grandchildren have ended school for the Summer period. The final image is of the best moth I've caught, thus far, in 2024. A Light Crimson Underwing was discovered on the egg trays this morning - result!

Sunday 21 July 2024

A decent result

The garden MV trap has, once again, provided some very nice moths for me to look at when I perused the egg trays this morning. The realisation of just how pathetic my id skill-base really is has been highlighted by this recent run of warm weather and the resultant increase in micro moths to be examined. Fortunately, this has coincided with my acquisition of the new extension tubes and all that they allow me to do with my camera and lenses. 

An absolutely pristine Cloaked Minor

Bloxworth Snout - very smart

I'll keep this post short because I've got another offering, in prep, that I hope will expand upon where my mind-set is currently at in relation to where involvement with the natural world seems to be headed. Don't get too excited - I'm not wishing to start a war, just explain my own perception of where we're at.

Small China-mark

I've tentatively id'd this as Scabious Longhorn (Nemophora metallica)

No wonder I couldn't get a positive id - it's a bloody Caddis Fly.
As always I am indebted to Francis Solly for his input. 

Reed Fanner (Orthotelia sparganella) a very irregular visitor to Thanet

Saturday 20 July 2024

Garden mothing

Benno and I had another evening/into dark session Eel fishing on the RMC. I couldn't catch a cold, Ben had a smart little male Tench for his efforts. That we were kept company by Mark, the Carp angler, ensured it was a very enjoyable experience and something which we hope to replicate soon.

On our drive home we spotted two Barn Owls perched on roadside telegraph poles close to West Hythe, but that was as exciting as it got! So it is clear that my angling efforts are woeful, at present, thus I am very glad that the Robinson 125w MV moth trap is performing its' magic in the back garden. I am always happy to be corrected if my id's are erroneous, yet this recent spell of warm weather has certainly added something to the excitement when examining the egg trays. A very tatty Pine Hawk-moth, this morning, is only the third garden record in twenty-five years, so most welcome none the less!  

It is, as always, the micro moths which provide the bulk of the challenges, thus require me to attempt to get record images in order to be in with a shout of a correct outcome. I have absolutely no issues with being corrected over an erroneous id. My ego is well capable of accepting the advice of other, far more gifted, observers with experience within this, or any other, sphere of natural history observation which is beyond my comfort zone. What I am really struggling with is the fact that moth recording is conducted under the banner of Butterfly Conservation?  Under no circumstances would a butterfly record be requiring a specimen. It is 2024, Queen Victoria has long passed away, yet the mind-set of the mainstream crowd remains entrenched in history. Could you imagine the outcry if someone failed to id a bird, so shot it in order to get the record accepted? Got it in one! 

Pale Red Slender (Caloptilia elongella)

Marbled Green

Jersey Tiger Moths - not one of them was inside the trap!

Fen Wainscot

Dusky Pearl (Udea prunalis)

Dark-streaked Button (Acleris umbrana)

Until the day dawns when modern technology is embraced by the moronic goons within the entomological ranks, not a single record will be submitted  by me. I am well aware that anything I post on this blog is free to be viewed, thus available for inclusion if warranted, by any group/individual who feel the need. All I know is that it is without my blessing or consent and under no circumstances do I want my initials beside the record entry. Another soap box to get down from - just enjoy looking without a need to fit in.

Wainscot Neb (Monochroa palustrellus)

Long-horn Beetle sp. - don't know, or care, what it's called.
It was enjoyable, none the less, to set eyes upon this insect

Thursday 18 July 2024

Garden gull spectating

 It was around 11.00 hrs,  today, that I noticed several groups of gulls swirling about at various points around West Dumpton. As there was no accompanying noise, it quickly became clear that these birds were feeding upon newly emerging flying ants. Over the following three hours, or so, the activity became more frenzied as the numbers of birds rapidly increased. Another feature was that they were feeding at a much higher altitude as the temperatures rose steadily during the post noon period. At one point I guestimated there to be in excess of five thousand individuals visible from our back garden. The vast majority of the birds that were identifiable were, quite obviously, Herring Gulls but, there were also good numbers of Black-headed and  Lesser Black-backed Gulls involved. Prolonged, and careful, scanning finally resulted in (two) adult Mediterranean Gull being added to the garden year list. There was also a very good candidate for a juv Yellow-legged Gull, yet I didn't clinch it 100%, so one that got away this time?

The majority of the Black-headed Gulls involved were feeding at a lower level than
their larger cousins.

An adult Lesser Black-backed Gull, probably from
the Pyson's Road colony?

Just an image attempting to convey the scene during the early afternoon frenzy

It was also rather interesting to see several Carrion Crows and the local male Kestrel exploiting this food source. As I was scanning the skies for such a prolonged period it was inevitable, I guess, that I spotted a few Common Swifts taking advantage of the situation. Really good fun and a garden year tick to boot! 

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Much to think about

 As most of my regular visitors will have already guessed, last Friday's Eel fishing didn't go as we had planned. I did actually land a small Eel, but it certainly didn't warrant further mention as "bootlace" would be pushing the boundaries of reality. I don't think it weighed enough  to qualify as a decent Dace! Benno's rods saw plenty of action, which he failed to convert into fish on the bank. Quite possibly the Eels responsible were of a similar size to the one I landed? However, he did hook and lose a better specimen just as the light was fading. 

Fortunately, Benno has a mate who is part of the Carp crew down on the RMC and he has been able to point us in the direction of another section of the canal where he, and his friends, have taken quite a few decent sized Eels on their Carp gear. We're planning a return visit this coming Friday and have a few ideas to play with in terms of rig mechanics and bait choice. Not too much else happening at present due, in part, to Bev's continuing medical issues. My gut feeling is much of the problem is related to anxiety caused by the waiting in between appointments. Stress isn't something I handle well and I am sure that is a major factor in how Bev is being affected?

I'm not sure how much longer Common Swifts will be seen around Newlands Farm, but there does seem to be a few birds present around the area, as opposed to moving directly through. Late, local, breeders being my hunch about those I am seeing feeding over the adjacent farmland. Garden mothing continues to provide a roller coaster ride with a few more signs of migration in the form of Pearly Underwing and Dark Swordgrass in addition to regular Silver Y, Diamond-backs and The Delicate. So far in July I have recorded sixty-two Elephant, six Privet and two Eyed Hawk-moths but only three Jersey, and a single Ruby, Tigers.

Last Friday, as I was driving across to pick up Benno, I had spotted a group/flock of Cattle Egrets out with the herd grazing on Monks Wall NR, directly below the flyover. I guessed around a dozen individuals, but as I was driving in rather heavy traffic, couldn't get an accurate figure. Being aware that there  have been good numbers of these birds seen locally, it is conceivable that a single mobile flock is responsible for the reports from Worth Marshes RSPB Res, Minster Marshes, The Ash Levels and Stodmarsh/Grove Ferry NNR. I decided to have a look down at Monks Wall on Sunday, with no joy, but returned again this afternoon and was delighted to spot a single bird out with the grazing herd on the main reserve area. Good numbers of butterflies were nice to see around the peripheral footpath and I grabbed the opportunity to get an image of a smart Marbled White which posed nicely beside me.

Friday 12 July 2024

A few moths at last

 Thus far into 2024, garden mothing has been very a underwhelming experience. Obviously there have been a few exceptions, but generally my results have been very poor. It is not a situation unique to my own mothing as I am able to keep tabs, via blogland, on many other Kent (and further afield) "moffa's" who are undergoing the same struggles as me. This week, however, things certainly seem to be improving and I've had a double figure count of Silver Y's plus the first Langmaid's Yellow Underwing and Jersey Tiger of the year. Micro moth numbers also show signs of improvement as well as an increased diversity.

Rosy Knot-horn

Jersey Tiger Moth

I am certainly having a good time playing around with the macro kit and have come to the conclusion that I will learn more from my mistakes, as opposed to copying the techniques of others. One positive from this approach is that I am finding myself looking at invertebrates which I would ignore under normal circumstances.

Superb Ant-hill Hoverfly (Xanthogramma pedissequum)

Orange Ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata)

Benno and I are off down the RMC this evening for a spot of Eel fishing so, hopefully, I'll have some angling related content to share tomorrow?

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Info overdose

The desire to improve my camera skills means that YouTube is a regular site I visit; always looking  for help,and it has certainly provided me with plenty of very useful advice. However, because of the riduculous number of contributors involved, the more I seek to learn about any specific topic, the more contradictory are the hints and tips offered by various individual sources. Hence my macro photography lessons will be, very much, a journey of discovery as I seek to improve my own results.

Garden Grass Veneer

Barred Marble

Late afternoon, the skies cleared, and there was a very obvious movement of Swifts over Newlands Farm. In little more than twenty minutes, I had watched circa one hundred Common Swifts moving S-SW. This is more than I've seen during the whole of 2024, thus far, from the back garden.

Monday 8 July 2024

This should be fun!

 It was yesterday afternoon that I finally got around to placing an order, with Amazon, for some Canon-fit extension tubes. The ancient versions I purchased, in 2012, had served me well considering their complete lack of autofocus technology. These new models would allow me to use image stabilized lenses, with the autofocus enabled, thus simply point and press in the direction of whatever subject I choose. I also ordered a JJC Macro Arm Light, both items being in stock and delivered on Wednesday. Excellent! I spent yesterday evening playing around with the camera kit as Hedgehog activity round my feeding station was fairly hectic. Can't be exactly sure how many individuals were involved but, there were occasions when four animals were present in the garden simultaneously.

Hedgehogs are really aggressive little creatures and very unwilling to share a 
food bowl with any unrelated individuals.

Moth trapping, overnight, proved to be a unrewarded exercise, the odd Silver Y, Diamond-back and Delicate might have been evidence of migration, yet only two Elephant and a single Eyed Hawk-moth being the best of the rest. I pottered around in the garden, dead heading the Petunias in the hanging baskets and generally pulling weeds from the various planters. It seemed to be a day of little excitement. A Jackdaw perched on top of my Mum's old garden arbour, thus allowing me to grab a few shots from my study doorway. 

The clock was ticking down towards the time when I needed to drive across Ramsgate to pick Harry up from school when there was a knock at the door. Bloody hell! It was an Amazon delivery driver with my order. What a result?  Obviously I've not has too long to play around with these new toys, yet early indications are that my macro images, particularly the micro moth efforts, should improve by some margin given time for practice. 

I just pointed the lens at whatever inverts were prepared to pose for me. I have no idea of the id, nor desire to find out, yet am very pleased with what I have recorded under today's gloomy conditions.

Saturday 6 July 2024

Autumn already?

 As I type, there are heavy grey clouds scuttling across the sky pushed by a Southerly airflow, gusting 40 mph at times. Summer 2024, it would seem, has followed a similar path to that of the Tories! It's been ages since I last picked up a fishing rod, but the requirement to get our bedroom ship shape in order for the wardrobe fitters to ply their magic, meant that freetime has been a very precious commodity recently. I would like to thank Ric F for his assistance in solving the id of the skull I'd picked up on the island of Corfu. The conclusion being that the animal involved is a Stone Marten (Martes foina) also known as Beech Marten. My own "Rock Marten" id, stemmed from a conversation with a shopkeeper on Kefalonia and is probably the erroneous translation of "stone" into "rock" which caused this.

An image taken from Wikipedia.
This skull is exhibited in a museum in North America where there is a thriving,
feral, population of these animals

The garden moth trap continues to provide interest, yet very little evidence of insect migration, with odd individuals of Light Arches and The Herald being rather unexpected. One single egg tray produced The Miller, Poplar Grey and Sycamore next to each other which is exactly the order they appear in my field guide illustrations. One or two Box-tree Moths are starting to appear, yet not a single Tiger Moth sp. has been recorded thus far. One positive has to be the good number of Elephant Hawk-moths which are being attracted. It's not unusual to have half a dozen inside the trap when I examine the contents of the previous night's effort.


Poplar Grey

Thankfully, the garden Hedgehogs are very cooperative and active. My best guess is at least five individuals are regularly visiting the feeding station. Although I've not seen any myself, my neighbours are reporting a number of "hoglets", attending their feeding bowls, in the company of adults. Things are certainly looking good for the local population of these special garden visitors.

 A parasitic tick is obvious behind this animal's right ear.

I feed it less than once a fortnight yet, there is no getting away from the fact
that Hedgehogs absolutely love cheese!

That individual with the "tick", behind its' right ear, doesn't seem to be experiencing any type of health problems, but I am going to do a little research and will certainly remove it if there is evidence that it would be a benefit for the animal involved. Hopefully, some type of normality will return next week and I'll be able to cast a baited rig again? Fortunately, my old mate Gazza is doing a bit of time out on Black Dyke and has been able to point me in the direction of a couple of spots where the effort involved to get there won't cause any major issues with my aging body!

A recent sunset, as seen from the back garden - farewell Summer?