Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Thursday 23 April 2020

#BWKm0 - Mediterranean morning

Another glorious morning made so much better by the much reduced wind strength. It felt quite warm in the sunshine, which is such a pleasant change from having to endure the chilling effect of the blasting ENE winds we've been experiencing, of late. Same old routine, outside by 07.15 hrs, coffee, camera and binoculars to hand. First decent bird to be encountered was a smart Chiffchaff which was flitting about in an Elder before dropping down into the Dog Rose which is beside the feeding station. The light was okay and I rattled off a series of shots and have to admit to being rather pleased with my results.

The Chiffchaff must have only just moved back into the dense  cover of the Elder when the unmistakable sound of a Raven had me quickly scanning the skies. And there it was, approaching high, from the west, muttering to itself as it quickly passed over Newlands and headed off to the NE. It was turning into a decent session and I hadn't been outside more than twenty minutes!

Two Sparrowhawks and three Common Buzzards made it onto the day list before a pair (?)/two Greenfinches flew over the garden and brought me down to earth with a real bump! My second garden record of 2020 - they were once the second most common visitor to our feeding station. What is going on? I'm aware that the ageing process is taking a toll on my hearing, yet I am still able to hear most sounds and am extremely glad of this fact. If it were not for their unique, and very loud, contact calls I would have missed the three adult. summer plumaged, Mediterranean Gulls which headed north at 09.55 hrs.

54 - Mediterranean Gull

It didn't end there, as I was just getting ready to leave for work a flock of eighteen Common Buzzards came over the garden and there was a very good candidate for Rough-legged (as reported from Broadstairs, and coming my way, some 25 minutes before my sighting) in their midst. I've got some photos, but the laptop is having a hissy-fit and won't download the images. Hopefully I will be able to get this sorted out in the morning? It is certainly a very interesting individual, that's for sure!

It's not a Rough-legged, but it certainly had me going. Same bird as seen  in Broadstairs? No idea.

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