Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Tuesday 5 May 2020

Two boxes ticked

Despite the sun blazing down from a, relatively, cloudless sky it was bloody chilly outside, today, with a blasting easterly doing nothing to aid the situation. It remained like this for the entire day and, as a result, I was confined to barracks, sat at my laptop with just one thing on my mind. I had to complete that piece I'd promised Ben Ward and so it came to pass that box number two, on the furlough "to do list", was ticked. I've forwarded a draft copy of my effort, yet will happily tweak it if Ben sees a need. All I require to do now is sift through the archives to find some decent images to accompany the piece and then it's time for box number three! Not that I've got a box number three, as yet. Although I'm sure Bev won't have any difficulty selecting one if I'm struggling for ideas. A major tidy up of the study might just be the one, although I don't see that getting done in a day somehow. With another twenty days before I get back to work, there's a chance we might get our garden ready for the Chelsea Flower Show?
The forecast is for the winds to die away and the temperatures rise accordingly right through to the weekend. If this happens, then being outside will certainly take priority over the tidy study project. I still need House Martin and Yellow Wagtail for the #BWKm0 garden list and won't add them if I'm stuck inside. The area down by the sheds and aviary are in much need of a little TLC and it is this task that is likely to take president if the sun continues to shine. I need to be careful that I don't over do the tidiness, as it's the area of the garden where I've recently positioned my "Hedgehog Hilton"
Still; all these things are of very secondary importance to the reason why all of our lives have been turned upside down. From what I'm seeing on the various news providers websites, the UK is on the right path in combating this invisible enemy and looking towards ways off lifting the restrictions which are so inhibiting our normal routines.
One side effect of the social distancing rules which has really struck me, during the recent weeks, is just how polite the folk in my local neighbourhood have become. Complete strangers happy to cross the road, in order to comply with government instructions, yet still willing to exchange pleasantries as they pass. The two local shops have become the hub of our community and are able to provide the basics for everyone who needs them. Once again, social distancing is observed without the need for floor markings or security staff, and the good natured banter amongst those waiting outside is, hopefully, a positive sign for the future?

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