Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Sunday 6 October 2024

Day eighteen - winding down

Another stunning, Autumn, day here at Agios Gordios. Bright sunshine and cloudless skies from dawn till dusk, just the ticket for Bev and her holiday agenda. It was a very leisurely start to the day, not getting up until just after 09.00 hrs. The regular routine of a shower, before coffee out on the balcony, was followed to the letter and it wasn't until 10.20 hrs that I walked Bev across to the poolside. Once sorted out, I took a very sedate stroll up to the Pentati road. I think "quiet" might be a good description of my efforts, although there were a few birds to point the binoculars at whilst on my wanderings. Two Kestrels were noisily engaged in some type of territorial dispute, whilst a couple of Ravens croaked loudly as they passed over my position. Common Buzzards seemed to be very active around the area and I was treated to nice fly past by a Peregrine..

Still lots of Blackcaps and Robins in, and around, the local Olive groves but none willing to pose for the long lens. It was whilst I was scanning an open area, where grape vines were the main crop, that I had a fleeting glimpse of a Sparrowhawk in close pursuit of some unfortunate passerine. They were quickly lost from view and the outcome of the event is unknown. Butterfly numbers seem to be very low and the majority of those which I am encountering are in very worn condition. The annual cycle is very close to the end for many of the invertebrates I guess. No dragonflies along the stream as I got back down to The Irene Complex, but I did spot my third snake of the holiday. Sadly it was far too quick for me to grab a photo!

As is often said "Time flies when you're enjoying yourself" and this holiday certainly backs up this sentiment. We've got three more days before Thanet beckons and the reality of downtown Dumpton kicks in again. I plan to take my final stroll up onto the high ground tomorrow, so hope that something happens to provide a fitting finale to this latest adventure.

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