Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Monday 21 October 2024

A simply wonderful event

Bev's daughter, Debbie, her partner Adam and kids, Emily & Harry joined us to travel down to the city of Bath to attend the wedding of Darryl (Bev's son) and his fiance Alix. The less said about the travelling experience, the better, the M25 is now beyond a joke, However, it really doesn't matter as we are all now safely back home after being part of an absolutely brilliant occasion. Half past seven on a Sunday night was never going to be a time for a church or registry office gig - oh no. The ceremony took place within the building housing the Roman Baths in Bath city centre.

An absolutely stunning place for a wedding

The whole service was conducted with all the professionalism and dignity associated with such a major event, and yet the lady conducting the wedding plus those friends and family involved in contributing by doing the readings ensured that humour was never too far away. Bev, as mother of the groom, couldn't stop smiling as the proceedings unfolded. I would think that the actual service lasted little more than thirty minutes, yet we stayed on site for another three quarters of an hour enjoying a glass (or two) of "champers" and some very fancy nibbles whilst the newly weds were chatting with their families and friends. Emily and Harry were the only two children at the event and got lots of attention from the fellow guests. 

Emily and Harry dressed for the occasion

The happy couple mingling

Bev and her Auntie Christine sampling
some rather fancy nibbles

From the Roman Baths, we then headed a few minutes across the city to a venue called the "Cozy Club" where the celebrations really kicked off. It was a fantastic night with a wonderful vibe as friends and family celebrated this happy event. Bev and I got back to our hotel just before 01.00 hrs, yet the party had shown few signs of slowing down as we were leaving.

Mr & Mrs - happy daze

Obviously this is not a post which fits into the usual contents I offer, yet it was so special that, as part of the journey, has a place in my "observations" as I meander life's pathway.

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