Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Thursday 10 October 2024

Back to reality

 It was just before 03.00 hrs, this morning, that I parked the car on our drive for the first time in twenty-three days! Absolutely knackered, Bev and I were tucked up under the duvet within a few minutes because the luggage could wait until later to be sorted out. Yet, as crazy as it might seem, within seven hours of getting home, I had a wander around The Garage Pool, at Pegwell Bay in the hope of spotting the Black-necked Grebe which had been in residence since early October. 

Yes I know it's "twitching" but, I was on my own and didn't see another birder (or togger) during the time I was down there. The light levels weren't particularly conducive for obtaining anything more than record images. I also used the 1.4 X converter with the 100 - 400 mm lens because it spent the majority of its' time actively hunting the far side of the pool. It's certainly been some time since I last set eyes upon this species so, being just down the road, it seemed silly to ignore it?

I've now had time to do a bit of research and it would appear that the Noctuid moth, which I posted yesterday, is nothing other than a Poplar Grey. It is certainly much more contrasting in light and dark patternation than those I see in my garden and isn't a species I associate with Pine covered hillsides or flying in mid-October. 

Pike season is already ten days old and the first Canterbury/Thanet PAC regional meeting takes place on Monday night. Conditions are far too warm, at present, for me to think about getting a dead bait out in the water but, I do need to get the rods dusted down as I've not been fishing since the 5th September! The Morrison's wet fish counter, in Canterbury, needs to be visited in order to procure some Mackerel and Herrings, so that I can get them dyed and flavoured prior to placing them in the freezer awaiting yet another campaign in search of that fish of my dreams.

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