Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday 2 March 2024

We have a plan

Bev and I had our meeting with the surgeon and cancer nurse, at QEQM Hospital, Margate, yesterday. The outcome is that we now have an idea of what, and when, to expect the surgery and follow up treatment. What we didn't get, due to some uncertainty surrounding another patient's treatment, was an exact start date. All we know is that the earliest date will be 20th March, thus I now know that Pike fishing can continue right up to the 14th! We are going back, on 6th March, to have further discussion with the nurse, who will explain in more detail, what we will have to deal with as treatment progresses. Obviously, much of the timescale will depend upon how Bev reacts to, and copes with, the medical procedures involved. 

I went back down to Black Dyke, this morning, landing just one small "jack" for my efforts. The gale force winds, howling across the flatlands ensured I didn't stay much after 09.00 hrs. This followed a brief conversation with a lady, out walking a couple of magnificent Red Setters (almost certainly show dogs, judging by their prancing stance and gleaming russet coats). After exchanging the regulation "Good Morning" she said "you're brave". My reply went along the lines of "No; the word you should have used is "stupid". She laughed and agreed, all the persuasion I required to call it a day.

As I had said in an earlier post, I am going to keep a garden list whilst we deal with Bev's medical situation. I decided that it would start when we did the RSPB's "Big Garden Birdwatch" on January 28th. So far I have amassed a total of just thirty two species, yet have some glaring omissions which should easily be added once I finish the Pike season and set about getting the garden planters on the go and firing up the Robinson MV Moth Trap.for the first time this year. The feeding station is attracting good numbers of birds, with both Chaffinch and Greenfinch being daily visitors. Something quite interesting is the number of ringed birds turning up. Absolutely no way I can read these BTO-type metal objects, but would be interested to know if there is any ringing going on in the local area? The closest two ringing schemes, I am aware of, are at Sandwich Bay Obs and Reculver.


  1. Much to do Dyl. Good that you have a suitable distraction during these trying times. Best wishes to Bev. From my own experience (major surgery last year) I have nothing but praise for the NHS and the staff who put in stellar shifts for us all.

  2. Thanks Ric,
    Bev and I are in awe of the NHS staff who are dealing with out medical problems. That they are able to do this as a "job" speaks volumes about the type of personality required to provide this level of care. We got news, today, that surgery will occur on 19th March, so now have a start date for this journey into the unknown for us both.
    Take care - Dyl (& Bev)
