Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Tuesday 19 March 2024

MV time?

 It's Bev's birthday, today, so what better way to celebrate such an occassion than with a visit to QEQM Hospital, Margate, for an operation? You couldn't make it up, but there you have it! We were parked up and inside the Day Surgery unit for 07.30 hrs where the highly committed team were on hand to provide the first class treatment for which our NHS is rightly famed. The team plied their magic and, after a spell in the recovery unit, we were back home before 13.30 hrs. We've now got to wait for three, or four, weeks before knowing what happens next. In the meantime, Bev and I are expected to be able to go about our normal routine with little disruption. There's absolutely no way that I'll be out on the bankside over the next couple of weeks, but there is much to fill the time whilst I await that next trip out with the rods. Garden planters need sorting, the lawn trimming and some jet-washing of the patio and off road parking area, just for starters! 

To be fair it all needs doing so, an enforced period of non-angling, is not time wasted. Because I will be in or around the bungalow there should be plenty of scope to improve upon my pitiful garden listing effort, thus far in 2024. Spring is upon us and with this comes heightened expectation of migrant species putting in an appearance. One thing is for sure, if I'm out in the garden my camera kit and binos will be close to hand should the gulls alert me to any raptors passing by. What this situation has also provided is the excuse to fire up the 125w MV moth trap again. Under no circumstances will my mothing be anything other than a dalliance with these wonderfully diverse insects. I don't keep lists, nor worry about those individuals which avoid specific id. No, it's just something I do for the sheer joy of "because I can" It's illuminating the garden, as I type this, for the first time this year. It will depend upon whatever else I have to blog about as to how many of my results will end up in cyberspace. It's my garden, they're my records and of no importance to anyone else - end of!

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