Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday 27 March 2024

Not a lot happening

Bev and I had an appointment with the nurse at East Cliff Medical Centre, this morning, where she removed the dressing and was able to confirm that the healing process is going as well as could be hoped. Bev still has quite extensive bruising around the scar tissue, but this has to be expected at our time of life? No replacement dressing was applied, so that's a very positive sign of progress. When we returned home, after a detour to Copper's at Preston Garden Centre for a spot of brekkie, there was a letter from the surgeon confirming our follow up consultation on 26th April. At this meeting we will learn of what happens next, so we've got four weeks to get back into some form of normal routine. I have no intentions of picking up the rods again until after the Easter break has passed, so will continue to potter around in the garden when conditions allow. I managed to add Jay (No. 41) to my 2024 garden list, on Tuesday, when three birds flew south over the bungalow. Hedgehogs are nightly visitors to the feeding station, yet the mix of strong winds and rain has made it very difficult to get a decent chance for some photos. On the one occassion I did get the camera kit readied, the Hedgehog that turned up had a distinct preference for the Fox bowl over the normal fare on offer.

These same conditions are also playing a major role in keeping the moth activity to a minimum. This morning did, however, provide a nice surprise in the shape of two Esperia sulphurella (Sulphur Tubics) which are my earliest garden records by some margin.

Gale force winds are predicted for tomorrow, starting just after midnight, thus I won't be wasting effort, or electricity, running the trap tonight. However, in the run up to this next storm, there appears to be a window of opportunity allowing me to play around with the Hedgehog photography kit. Watch this space!

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