Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday, 13 March 2021

It has to be done

 I've given myself a maximum of five hours to have one final session, out on the marsh, in the hope of another fish before "close season" takes effect. No decision to be made about swim, bait and rig choices. Friday's result ensuring I travel to the venue fully confident with my approach for this final, Sunday morning, effort. It would be simple to reload the van with kit that I used on Friday but, because I can, there are a pair of, split cane, 1959 B. James & Son, Dick Walker Mk IV's prepared and ready to go which will replace the Duncan Kay's. In keeping with the rods, my reels will be Mitchell 300's which are plenty quirky enough to ensure there's never a dull moment should a fish be hooked.

9th March 1983 - my first "double" 11 lbs 4 oz
I've come an awful long way since this image was taken but, still,
feel the same adrenaline rush whenever I draw fish over the net chord.

There will be an explanation of the thought processes I follow, along with my take on rig mechanics, bait preparation and presentation, once I've had my final visit (for this season!). Whilst I'm out there I'll do my best to get as many images as I can, which will help explain my ideas far better than anything I'm able to convey via the written word? What needs to be clear is the fact that my choice of rod and reel combinations have no influence on the terminal tackle employed, nor the fish caught, in these remote and intimate waters I target. I might appear to be a bit eccentric(?) yet, fish safety is paramount, in any angling situation that involves me casting a baited hook into the water. At this stage in my adventure it no longer matters "how big?", although I'd be lying if I said anything other than I'm a specimen hunter, but instead "how did I catch it?" Enjoyment of the moment now has to be first and foremost in my angling successes. Well "tally-ho!" I'm off to bed for an early (stupid o'clock) start in the morning. One final twist? 


  1. Is there a report pending Dyl?

    We await with baited/bated breath.

    1. Yes mate - I'm typing it right now. Not too sure that it says all that everyone would like, but it will outline the thought processes involved in my approach to these wonderful venues. It might still take a while to complete, as it is a bit of a saga. I've got my financial advisor coming around for a pensions meeting tomorrow morning and so much crap going on in the background. I'll do my best, but might not hit the publish button until Friday afternoon? All I can do is hope that it's worth the wait?

  2. I'm sure it will be Dyl.

    I've my pension savings in an Income Drawdown set up. It remains active as an investment. And due to continuing contributions as well, it pretty well holds steady even when I take money out of it. I control it and if I die, all the money remains as part of my estate.

    I didn't go for an annuity since the rates are dire and once fixed, you've lost it. Insurance companies love them. You agree to a guaranteed pittance at a level that won't make a dent on the capital amount but if you die after maybe no more than three years, they keep it all. Apparently, that's a reward for the risk they take in guaranteeing the 'rate' for the rest of your life.
    Sure, when the rate was 15%. Not when it's only 3% like it is now.

    I also don't agree with Financial Advisors taking a percentage of one's fund 'up front' as a fee. They don't know that much about investments, more they are trading on people knowing even less than they do.

    Look up passive income. Last year about 90% of mine was that.

    No need to publish this rant btw

    Good luck Mate
