Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Monday, 1 January 2024

That'll do for starters

 I parked the van by the stables a little after 06.20 hrs and took a slow, barrow pushing, stroll out onto the marsh. I'd being toying with the idea of fishing "Black Dyke" but the water was pushing through and quite coloured so, instead, I took the easy option and fished one of the smaller side drains. Within an hour of casting out, the right hand alarm signalled a bite and after a spirited tustle I drew a lovely Pike over the draw chord of my landing net. An absolutely beautiful fish of 16 lbs 6 oz was placed in the retaining sling whilst I continued to fish on for another couple of hours. Because it was a rather dull morning, the patternation of this individual was really well defined when I posed for the selfies. 

My New Years bird listing wasn't up to much, this morning, and has only just reached thirty-six species as I'm sat at my laptop at home. One very obvious highlight was the discovery of eight Cattle Egrets in with a large flock of sheep. A passing dog walker caused them to take flight, although they only flew into the adjacent field. It was nothing untoward, the two dogs were barking at my loaded barrow and a few of the sheep spooked, thus doing the same to the egrets.

A token record shot of the eight birds together

I'm not too sure when I'll next get out with the rods? The weather is forecast to remain very unsettled and, as such, I'm not prepared to take the gamble and drive all the way down to the RMC only to discover it to be filthy dirty and unfishable. So my quest for a "double" from Black Dyke might just have to help pass the time whilst I await some settled conditions.


  1. Cracking looking pike Dyl... It's not too often the light conditions for fish photography enable the true definition of markings to standout so vividly... Love the contrast of the lemon, cream and greens!

    Happy New Year to you and yours.


    1. Hi Andy,
      I think that the sensors in modern digital cameras are very much the same as old fashioned film mediums? They are really sensitive to reflective glare, thus produce rather washed out images in bright sunlight. This morning was gloomy, at best, and by positioning the camera quite close to the ground I managed to really highlight the stunning pattern on this Pike's flanks.
      Should get a chance for a catch up next Monday, there's a couple of things I'd like to hear your opinions on.
      Happy New Year & tight lines

  2. Happy New Year, mate- I echo the above commenter- that's a cracking looking pike, Dylan. A nice way to start the year. I should have got out today whilst the weather was more clement! Tomorrrow's my last day off but it's looking like a real write-off, weather wise. It's raining next weekend, but with breaks and not too heavily- think I'll get out then... Have a great New Year, pal- Gazza

    1. Happy New Year to you Gazza,
      Yes this fish was exceptionally well marked and the low light levels only help enhance the fact as I posed for the selfies. I was only out today because the weather forecasts aren't particularly inspiring for the coming week. I might get a window of opportunity Wednesday/Thursday and am thinking that Black Dyke might be worth a visit? Watch this space.
      Don't work too hard - Dylan
