Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Sunday, 28 January 2024

Simple things

It was the RSPB's "Big Garden Birdwatch 2024" this weekend. My step-daughter, Debbie, and my grand-kids, Emily and Harry, wanted to get involved and asked if I could help? An absolute no-brainer! The garden feeding station was topped up with an additional fat ball feeder, the bird bath given a clean up and some fresh water. I gave it an hour, early this morning, although we didn't actually conduct our count until mid-afternoon. Obviously there were differences in the two sessions, yet the vast majority of species were seen on both occasions. A pair of Chaffinches were most welcome, yet it was three Greenfinches which stole the headlines! The fact that our garden faces westward meant that my best opportunities for using the camera came early with the sun behind my position. 

The top bird has a metal ring on its' right leg.
Absolutely pointless, for data gathering, unless I shot it!

I've not made much effort to do any nocturnal feeding station watching, although I did see my first Hedgehog of 2024 on January 3rd. Last night, just prior to calling it a day, I spotted my second. This time the camera kit was to hand and I made an effort to grab a token shot through the double glazed window of the study doorway. Foxes are still very vocal around the Newlands area, yet have failed to provide any photo opportunities thus far. 

The newly acquired lens has been a revelation and the resultant image quality risen to a level which I couldn't have hoped for with the old Sigma version. I have the additional lighting kit available to attempt some better, after dark, images so await a time when sitting in my study, with the door wide open, doesn't result in hyperthermia. 


Not so fast you twat! Less than an hour after posting the blog and there's a Hedgehog at the feeding bowl, well illuminated by the Core LED work lite. I had nothing more to do than open the back door and lie on the study floor to obtain a superb series of images. Red eye compensation might apply in further attempts, yet I'm well pleased with this effort!

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