Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday 18 December 2021

How lucky am I?

 Yesterday night Bev and I attended a private gathering (Boris says it wasn't a party!) at our friends, Mike & Penny's, pub. Absolutely off the scale of what I was expecting, it was a privilege to spend time in such diverse company. Obviously the, Omicron, Covid situation couldn't be ignored, thus social distancing was part of the gig, yet I don't think anyone left without a very positive vibe about what they'd experienced. As I was driving I was only had a Stella and a couple of "Cokes" whilst Bev had no problems with three double "Pink Gins & tonic" and associated dancing (she doesn't drink? - My arse!)

Mike and Penny are in the process of retiring, selling up the pub and moving back to Deal where they will be closer to friends and family without the pressures associated with running the business and all those responsibilities to the livelihoods of their employees, which includes Mike's daughter! I only started to visit the pub when I embarked upon my flatland's angling journey, yet very quickly established a rapport with Mike, who's a couple of years in advance of myself, but has explored a very different adventure. GOLF!!!! What the f**k is that all about? It matters not a jot, we're mates and that's more than enough. What I will say is that I do hope he woke with a sore head this morning, he was on top form, as a pint of Stella didn't do it for me. Bev was a bit fragile - hey-ho! It is the random nature of these encounters, along my life's journey, that makes me realise just how lucky I've been.


  1. Good for you. My partner and I had a superb meal out at our favourite pub/restuarant on Saturday night - life needs to go on as much as normal, despite Covid.

    1. Totally agree! No-one at this gathering did anything to compromise the well-being of other guests. Distinct bubbles were maintained, although the banter between the various groups got rather raucous as the ale flowed. First time Bev and I have been a pub for quite some while - most enjoyable. Wishing you a great Christmas & happy New Year - Dyl
