I'm not sure if I can align myself with the sentiment of my post heading, or not? I have been made aware of a crime, which is so abhorrent as to beggar belief - but will refrain from comment until it becomes public knowledge! It has absolutely nothing to do with natural history, fishing, moths or pan-listing - it is about depravity and liberal "human rights" stuff. I don't know the victim but, am friends with their daughter; one of our neighbours, who is now attempting to come to terms with this traumatic experience. Watch this space - I've got loads to say about this crazy situation!

I start, my late-shift, an hour early on Fridays - finishing at 20.00hrs (rather than the 22.00 hrs of Mon-Thursday). I'd just prepared my lunch when I spotted a large raptor circling, distantly, over Newland's. I rushed into my study, grabbed my camera and binos, and was back outside within a few seconds. However, the bird in question had drifted even further away, my binocular views revealing a Buzzard sp. - but circling on flat wings! A Honey Buzzard? I'll never know - close, but no cigar!
Straight off the pages of Barry Goater's "Pyralid" masterpiece.
Phlyctaenia coronata |
Moths are continuing to provide the bulk of my entertainment, although attempting to identify some of the individuals, from unfamiliar groups, is proving to be a challenge. The rods will be back in action (inaction?) on Saturday evening. I'm off to explore a new venue, carp being the target species, but chub, bream and roach could also play a role? I have a few ideas about my approach but, as this is a completely new venture for me; carp from running water - you're having a laugh?
Udea prunalis (?) |
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