Who am I?

An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Friday 26 June 2015

"Que Sera Sera"

I'm not sure if I can align myself with the sentiment of my post heading, or not? I have been made aware of a crime, which is so abhorrent as to beggar belief - but will refrain from comment until it becomes public knowledge! It has absolutely nothing to do with natural history, fishing, moths or pan-listing - it is about depravity and liberal "human rights" stuff. I don't know the victim but, am friends with their daughter; one of our neighbours, who is now attempting to come to terms with this traumatic experience. Watch this space - I've got loads to say about this crazy situation!

I start, my late-shift, an hour early on Fridays - finishing at 20.00hrs (rather than the 22.00 hrs of Mon-Thursday). I'd just prepared my lunch when I spotted a large raptor circling, distantly, over Newland's. I rushed into my study, grabbed  my camera and binos, and was back outside within a few seconds. However, the bird in question had drifted even further away, my binocular views revealing a Buzzard sp. - but circling on flat wings! A Honey Buzzard? I'll never know - close, but no cigar!

Straight off the pages of Barry Goater's "Pyralid" masterpiece. 
Phlyctaenia coronata
Moths are continuing to provide the bulk of my entertainment, although attempting to identify some of the individuals, from unfamiliar groups, is proving to be a challenge. The rods will be back in action (inaction?) on Saturday evening. I'm off to explore a new venue, carp being the target species, but chub, bream and roach could also play a role? I have a few ideas about my approach but,  as this is a completely new venture for me; carp from running water - you're having a laugh?

Udea prunalis (?)

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