Well here we are, "Flaming June", must be true, coz the date says so on my laptop! There is a ferocious SW gale (45 - 50 mph) howling across Thanet and the leaden grey skies are far more reminiscent of October; it's only the amount of foliage on the trees that gives the game away! In fourteen more days the fishing season (the traditional fishing season) commences and, once again my thoughts will be concentrated on the various projects I have set myself.
Is it fated that I'll improve upon my PB in 2015/16? |
Unless something monumental occurs, unlikely but not impossible, I will start on The Stour (with a blank) whilst seeking the elusive barbel. Why? Well it's what I do - more of a ritual than a serious angling effort. June 16th and I go fishing at the first opportunity on that hallowed date. With my shift pattern and the fact that the holiday roster fully booked - it will be an evening session that will see me on my way in 2015/16. I don't think a midnight start is on the cards, this time round, knowing that I'll be required to attend work at 06.00 hrs the following morning.
However, fate has dealt another twist, and it looks like a window of opportunity has presented itself in the week before the off. I don't have much time to assemble a plan, but I have set the ball rolling with a quick visit to see Kevin - I've got a night booked at Sandwich for the weekend. Benno is almost completely out of the loop, being very busy at present, Luke might be able to join up if things fall into place? If not, I'm on my own - me against the carp (or perch?) or tench ? I've been checking out a few local fisheries and have discovered a venue with a tench record of 12 lbs 3 oz! Is this the venue I've been searching for? I plan to go there on Sunday, for a session, before I commit myself to a campaign. Being only too aware of the power of "The Web" I'll await my decision which will be based upon my own impressions, not cyber hype!
A photo that will never do justice to this iconic piece of angling history.
To be given the chance to recreate an experience from the past is
an opportunity too good to pass by.
A Mitchell 300, a Heron bite alarm and this rod - nostalgic heaven! |
Finally - I must make mention of "The Challenge" As a father I am very proud of both my children, nothing particularly outrageous in my sentiments as I would imagine the vast majority of parents feel the same. Sarah is a fantastic mum and daughter, Benno is a great son - he's my mate and, thanks to my input, has an appreciation of the finer things in life - like Jimi Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac and using old fishing tackle! When I acquired the Mitchell 300's he perused the delights of e-bay and duly purchased a 10' Bruce & Walker Mk IV glass fibre rod. The basis for the challenge was founded during our Scottish trip. He used the rod and eventually landed a pike, his goal, before ceremoniously handing it over and saying that I had to take a double-figure carp using it. I accepted the rod, but not for keeps! Once my task had been completed, albeit with the added Mitchell 300 and Heron bite alarm scenario, I said that the rod would, once again be passed back and he would have to catch a barbel with it? If that ever comes to fruition - then he can set my next challenge - watch this space as it could be rather entertaining?
Benno, in action, using the Mk IV at Kilchurn Bay - April 2015 |
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