Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Sunday 29 September 2013

Walk in the park

In a conscious attempt to clear my mind, of all things relating to the trials of R. Stour barbel, I spent the majority of my free time today (Bev and I having to visit Tesco's due to a severe lack of food in the cupboards) watching birds. A steady movement of Swallows, this morning, was enjoyable although nowhere near as spectacular as the last one - I had counted over 700 before I lost interest and spent a while getting some shots of a pair of Collared Doves and a Dunnock having a bath. Still a few Chiffchaffs around the garden and with the knowledge that Yellow-browed Warblers are being recorded in huge numbers further north along the east coast I wasn't particularly surprised when, on checking Birdguides, I discovered that one had been seen in Ramsgate (no other details available to a non-subscriber).
Dunnock in the bird bath - a very pleasant distraction from counting migrating Swallows
Bev and I had a bite to eat, at lunch time, before I decided that King George VI Park required a visit. I allowed myself 90 minutes to grill the area - knowing that the venue would be heaving with dog walkers, joggers and assorted families enjoying the facilities. If there was a Yellow-browed Warbler anywhere, KG VI is the place in Ramsgate to look. I parked the car beside the tennis courts and made my way into the sycamore woodland adjacent to the gatehouse. A Treecreeper, calling, from the canopy of these mature trees, was a good start but, with the stiff easterly breeze, much of the park was "blown out" and birdless. The three track side plantations contained the bulk of the birds that I saw. Around 20 Chiffchaff and at least 4 Firecrest were scattered around the park, with Song Thrush and Robin numbers swelled by newly arrived continental birds. I didn't manage to locate a Yellow-browed, although there had been one earlier in the day. A very mobile flock of Long-tailed, Blue and Great Tits was given a grilling but was so restless that a single warbler could easily be overlooked.
With no chance of hearing distant calls - kids and wind noise making it very difficult - I returned home in time to listen to the Sunderland v's Liverpool game on Five Live.
Chiffchaff in the middle plantation of King George VI Park
A very nice day and great to spend time without my, self-imposed, burden! Two-barred Crossbill in King's Wood - a Kent tick for me. I'll see if it hangs around and then make my decision; I have a week of earlies to look forward to so could twitch the bird before dropping in on the river?

I'd love to say that I got this shot today - only I'd be telling porkies!
Firecrest must be a candidate for the "best looking bird" on the UK list?
This one was along the cycle track, at Joss Bay, in March 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Came across this blog via Steve Gale's links and am mighty impressed by the pike you are cradling! Best, I have had was 'only' a fifteen pounder that was interfering with my roach session. I was very pleased with it though.

    Very pleased with Suarez and Sturridge today too!
