Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Monday 2 September 2013

Does enjoyment require a scale?

I suppose that I had to make this post at some time, or other? I read so much stuff on blogs, posted from the UK, and beyond, that it is impossible for all the content to be of interest. That another individual has found enough energy to produce a blog entry suggests that, despite my own opinion, the subject is worthy of an airing.
I think that what I'm asking is "Is it possible to compare Clint Eastward - in a spaghetti western - with the musical genius of Steve Vai/Jimi Hendrix or the thrill of discovering a new species of moth in your garden moth trap?" Obviously the subject matter is of a very individual bias - but I think that you should get my drift? If it flicks your switch - then enjoy it. There should be no pressure to have to defend your corner, just because others see the world differently. Individuality - being a free spirit - don't seek excuses; enjoy the experiences that you encounter. Share them with a wider audience, if you feel the need? But please don't feel that you have to make excuses for the pleasure you derive, because others might not be able to align themselves with your point of view.
I have fallen foul of this mentality, during my blogging experiences, and have recently seen others become victim to the "wanting to please everyone" syndrome. It ain't possible - never gonna happen! Somewhere out in cyber space is a goon who wants to piss on your party - fact!
Three million people give the thumbs up for a youtube Led Zep clip - seven twats feel the need to disagree; you simply can't win all of the time.
Birding around the Kent countryside is some of the best that can be experienced in the UK, Spring and Autumn migration being particularly noteworthy. Geographically, the Isle of Thanet (where I call home) is in "Pole Position" to intercept any lost avian waifs and strays that are moving south down the North Sea.  Mothing is also a beneficiary of this geographical fact - butterflies and dragonflies are also a feature; just the Thanet Suppression thing continues (seven Long-tailed Blues? - I saw more than that in 20 minutes at North Foreland - or did I?) What you can be sure of is that no Long-tailed Blues made it as far as Margate Cemetery (Very strange!) Too busy counting Black Kites?
That barbel fishing has taken president, over all other things (except mothing) related to natural history, has given this blog a slightly warped insight into the world of Dylan Wrathall. It isn't a bad thing, just a statement about what I find important (of interest) at present.
So I am very sorry that I cannot align myself to a collective of birdie/mothie/natural history-type blogs; as always the underlying theme must be about the enjoyment of an individual - me!


  1. all i say is keep it coming,enjoy reading your blog,it brings back happy times on the stour when i first caught my first barbel and god knows how many eels,never caught one in double figures

  2. Dylan keep it coming mate, you have always been so eloquent with your choice of words and descriptions of your hobby whilst remaining a down to earth bloke.
    I’ve known you all my life and have to say when I read your comments and descriptions on any of your exploits It still gives me great pleasure.
    How times have changed I can remember a time when we both had a different mind set all those years ago choosing to shoot or run over anything that took our interest.

    Now you choose to shoot with a camera or a net and light and share your experience. Well good for you, keep it up.
    I choose to continue reading your exploits and enjoing them.

