It has been quite a strange sort of week; the Factory Open Day takes place tomorrow (Saturday) and has dominated the efforts of the management team. Production has continued, as normal, but with an eye on stage managing events for the 200+ visitors due to attend. All the local dignitaries have signed up - wanting to be seen to be associated with the major employer on Thanet and a factory in the running (2nd time in three years) for Factory of the Year. That Fujifilm SIS has the confidence to open their doors to the public speaks volumes about the progress the company have made since Sericol was purchased by Fuji and the transition, from analog, to digital ink production has occurred. I sincerely hope that all involved enjoy the day!
Pied Flycatcher - in Northdown Park |
Benno and I are back at step one; ref R.Stour barbel - we haven't had a bite for over a fortnight, that's a lot of rod hours. We have a few ideas, basically tweaking the current tactics, but are determined to stick with our plan of barbel angling until the end of October - we are not prepared to throw in the towel and head off after carp/bream/perch/tench etc, etc...
Juvenile Red-backed Shrike - Corfu Sept 2007 |
The moth trap continues to provide a smattering of interesting garden visitors, although the numbers of migrants is disappointingly low (almost non-existent). I still haven't managed to find a Whinchat around the Newland's patch, since the four were seen in the winter wheat. A few Yellow Wagtails were out in the cauliflowers, yesterday, and I found a "very" pale Clouded Yellow as I walked home on Tuesday afternoon. Sadly it had gone when I returned with my camera gear - such is life. Two more Common Buzzards spiralled south in the glorious afternoon sunshine, on Wednesday, causing little more than a mild response from the Vine Close gulls.
Wryneck at Foreness Point "Pitch & Putt" |
I have been scouring the Internet, looking for clues to help with our barbel fishing conundrums, but have found myself frequently distracted by the adventures of "bloggers" who are engaged in the autumn birding fest that is happening across the UK. This, in turn, has caused me to look back through my archives and relive some of the September magic that I've enjoyed since moving to Thanet. My accompanying photos, therefore, are from the past - when it was birds, not barbel or moths, that took centre stage!
A Newland's Farm Whinchat - September 2012 |
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