Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Monday 8 July 2024

This should be fun!

 It was yesterday afternoon that I finally got around to placing an order, with Amazon, for some Canon-fit extension tubes. The ancient versions I purchased, in 2012, had served me well considering their complete lack of autofocus technology. These new models would allow me to use image stabilized lenses, with the autofocus enabled, thus simply point and press in the direction of whatever subject I choose. I also ordered a JJC Macro Arm Light, both items being in stock and delivered on Wednesday. Excellent! I spent yesterday evening playing around with the camera kit as Hedgehog activity round my feeding station was fairly hectic. Can't be exactly sure how many individuals were involved but, there were occasions when four animals were present in the garden simultaneously.

Hedgehogs are really aggressive little creatures and very unwilling to share a 
food bowl with any unrelated individuals.

Moth trapping, overnight, proved to be a unrewarded exercise, the odd Silver Y, Diamond-back and Delicate might have been evidence of migration, yet only two Elephant and a single Eyed Hawk-moth being the best of the rest. I pottered around in the garden, dead heading the Petunias in the hanging baskets and generally pulling weeds from the various planters. It seemed to be a day of little excitement. A Jackdaw perched on top of my Mum's old garden arbour, thus allowing me to grab a few shots from my study doorway. 

The clock was ticking down towards the time when I needed to drive across Ramsgate to pick Harry up from school when there was a knock at the door. Bloody hell! It was an Amazon delivery driver with my order. What a result?  Obviously I've not has too long to play around with these new toys, yet early indications are that my macro images, particularly the micro moth efforts, should improve by some margin given time for practice. 

I just pointed the lens at whatever inverts were prepared to pose for me. I have no idea of the id, nor desire to find out, yet am very pleased with what I have recorded under today's gloomy conditions.

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