Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday 17 July 2024

Much to think about

 As most of my regular visitors will have already guessed, last Friday's Eel fishing didn't go as we had planned. I did actually land a small Eel, but it certainly didn't warrant further mention as "bootlace" would be pushing the boundaries of reality. I don't think it weighed enough  to qualify as a decent Dace! Benno's rods saw plenty of action, which he failed to convert into fish on the bank. Quite possibly the Eels responsible were of a similar size to the one I landed? However, he did hook and lose a better specimen just as the light was fading. 

Fortunately, Benno has a mate who is part of the Carp crew down on the RMC and he has been able to point us in the direction of another section of the canal where he, and his friends, have taken quite a few decent sized Eels on their Carp gear. We're planning a return visit this coming Friday and have a few ideas to play with in terms of rig mechanics and bait choice. Not too much else happening at present due, in part, to Bev's continuing medical issues. My gut feeling is much of the problem is related to anxiety caused by the waiting in between appointments. Stress isn't something I handle well and I am sure that is a major factor in how Bev is being affected?

I'm not sure how much longer Common Swifts will be seen around Newlands Farm, but there does seem to be a few birds present around the area, as opposed to moving directly through. Late, local, breeders being my hunch about those I am seeing feeding over the adjacent farmland. Garden mothing continues to provide a roller coaster ride with a few more signs of migration in the form of Pearly Underwing and Dark Swordgrass in addition to regular Silver Y, Diamond-backs and The Delicate. So far in July I have recorded sixty-two Elephant, six Privet and two Eyed Hawk-moths but only three Jersey, and a single Ruby, Tigers.

Last Friday, as I was driving across to pick up Benno, I had spotted a group/flock of Cattle Egrets out with the herd grazing on Monks Wall NR, directly below the flyover. I guessed around a dozen individuals, but as I was driving in rather heavy traffic, couldn't get an accurate figure. Being aware that there  have been good numbers of these birds seen locally, it is conceivable that a single mobile flock is responsible for the reports from Worth Marshes RSPB Res, Minster Marshes, The Ash Levels and Stodmarsh/Grove Ferry NNR. I decided to have a look down at Monks Wall on Sunday, with no joy, but returned again this afternoon and was delighted to spot a single bird out with the grazing herd on the main reserve area. Good numbers of butterflies were nice to see around the peripheral footpath and I grabbed the opportunity to get an image of a smart Marbled White which posed nicely beside me.

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