Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Friday 18 December 2020

Mad world

 I realise that the post title is very open ended, just as easily referring to the lunacy, of the fake tanned loser, across the pond or Bozo over here. There's the severe impact, upon personal freedoms, imposed by the tier system being used to "control" the pandemic. Every individual who reads this will have had their lives changed because of the current situation. None of us are immune from such wide ranging effects. Not being able to visit friends and family is going to make Christmas 2020 a rather pointless period, although I will be able to get out with rods, weather permitting? Since mid November I've been working sixty-plus hours a week, my choice not a contractual obligation! There is no way that this level of overtime can be sustained into 2021 so I'm making hay whilst the sun is shining. Now here's the crux of my ramblings. Being stuck inside the factory for the vast majority of the daylight hours, depending upon my shift pattern, my chances of watching birds and/or other wildlife is very limited. Fortunately, I do have one ace up my sleeve - hedgehogs! They are still visiting the garden feeding station on a nightly basis and are providing continued interest and learning opportunity. Standing at a packing bench, putting ink into containers, allows my mind to wander off down various angling paths, exploring theoretical targets for coming campaigns. Watching this hedgehog, last night, I'm thinking that a Christmas Day photo might be worth a try?

With the tier system proving to be about as effective as taking a paracetamol tablet in containing the Covid-19 virus, another national lockdown would appear to be looming in the new year. Will Steve Gale, once again, be coordinator of another BWKm0 challenge as a result? These are crazy times, who knows what awaits us around the next corner?

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