Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday 3 December 2016

Jobs a good'n

So there we were, all assembled on the banks of the drain, awaiting the alarms signalling the interest of a hungry pike. Sadly, they hadn't read the script and the fish had switched right off since the rapid fall in temperatures during the previous week. Neither Luke or myself, had a sniff, Benno saved the day with a bite, on a Bluey tail section, and this allowed Bryn a chance to realize a dream. With Benno at the net and Luke providing the coaching, Bryn successfully landed his first ever pike. He'd never seen a live (or dead) one until that moment; his beaming smile speaking volumes about how he felt. He had told his Uncle Ben that he felt cold, not another word after the fish was on the bank.
With advice from Luke and a practical demonstration from Ben, he was ready to pose with his prize, for the ritual photos.

What a way to start your pike angling journey - at 9 lbs 8 oz it is the biggest fish Bryn has ever seen!
It was a cracking morning, despite of the lack of action to my rods. Birding very enjoyable; loads of Fieldfare and other thrushes had roosted overnight in the adjacent hawthorns, there was a female Merlin hunting the rough grassland beyond the drain, at first light. I recorded my first Mistle Thrush, for ages, three Little Egret, three Marsh Harriers (ad male, ad female and sub-ad male) Gadwall, Teal, Water Rail, Common Snipe, Kingfisher, Cetti's Warbler plus a decent northerly movement of Lapwing. I should make more of an effort to carry the big lens, but can't be arsed to lug that extra weight just in case I get a chance photo opportunity.  However, the day was not about birds or me, it belonged to an eight year old, just starting out on his personal exploration of the joys of angling. "Touch me, Perce!" (You've go to be a Wraftie to understand this?)


  1. A magical moment there Dyl. It's great when one's hopes in this fashion are fulfilled.
    Reminds me of a dull biteless blank fishing outing with my lad in New Zealand. He was bored witless. All it takes is one bite and I hoped he would get it. He did. And caught a Snapper bigger than any I'd ever had. I was pleased to say the least.

    1. Knowing just how big a role angling has played in my life is a massive incentive for me attempting to introduce my grandchildren to the hobby. To be perfectly honest, it was Benno and Luke that did all the hard work, today, I just pointed the camera. I'm sat at home and I'm "buzzing" - such was the impact of that event on the life of an eight year old.
      I've just sent you an e-mail ref my Dad's estate - we'll really have to try to hook up next year (Tring maybe?) for a bit of a social, I'm sure that Sye and Benno would be up for it. - Dyl

  2. Yes, Dyl. A meet up sounds good. I'd better do some fishing first simply to remind myself which end of a rod is which. Seriously though, if I didn't fish for 20 years and someone asked me if I could still 'catch', I'd look at them as if they were nuts. I mean, some things become part of one's DNA.

    1. I'd go so far -if you couldn't catch; there weren't any fish present! That's respect man! I'll send you an e-mail with some options for timing, once I've spoken with Sye & Benno - Dyl
