Another stroll around Newland's was as about exciting as it had been yesterday. The four Whinchats were still present, way out in the big cauli field. A moment of excitement came with the discovery of an immaculate juv Lesser Whitethroat. Great views through my bins but, alas, gone before a photo could be obtained - hey ho!
The skies are leaden grey and the forecast doesn't bode well, short term. Moths have been very samey these passed few nights - Vestals excepted, two last night. So where's this going?
Even the sparrows have charisma where the sun shines! |
ON HOLIDAY - If you can't change the people - change the people! (I got that from Grant McPherson; Jaguar Land Rover - one very focussed dude!)
Nice 'Sparrow' photo Dyl ... hee hee hee ...