Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Sunday 1 September 2024

Another new toy

I am never wishing that my photography is anything better than a method of getting visual accompaniment for my blogging efforts. That said, I am aware that modern digital image capture is light years away from those days when I was employed by Kodak Ltd, using a SLR camera and Kodachrome slide film for my angling trophy shots. In all honesty, modern DSLR technology is far more capable of correct decision making than me pointing the lens at whatever subject is prepared to pose  The internet is home to an infinite amount of .help for souls, such as myself, who are completely out of their depth with this, rapidly evolving, modern technology.  My current equipment is all, pre-owned, Canon kit purchased from the superb Park Cameras facility in Burgess Hill, West Sussex. It comprises of an EOS 70d body, with IS 18 - 55mm and IS 100 - 400, EF Mk I, lenses plus a set of Viltrox extension tubes for macro image capture. 

So, in the knowledge that Bev and I are likely to be spending time out on Corfu, within the next three weeks, I wanted to ensure that my long lens had the benefit of a 1.4X  III extender in order to enable me to obtain record images of subjects beyond the scope of a 400mm limit. Saturday saw us make the journey around the A299, 249, M20, 26, 25 & 23 en route to Park Cameras, again, to purchase said item. With the EOS 70d having  twenty million pixels recording ability, it allows extraordinary scope to crop an image yet retain a superb level of subject clarity. 

Immature House Sparrows in the garden hedge.This image captured using the new 1.4x extender
 and my 100 - 400 mm EF lens. All I wanted to do was  discover how effective the new acquisition might be prior to getting  back into the Corfu sunshine. 

Holidays are now the only time when birding assumes top priority in my outdoor time. Knowing that there might be plenty of opportunities to add species to my year list, I want all the technology available, in order to record these holiday encounters.. Over the passed two decades, Bev and I have holidayed regularly around the Mediterranean which has resulted in me discovering some amazing birds during these trips. I certainly don't book locations because of a birding track record, instead require sunshine and a pool for Bev, whilst having open countryside, nearby, allowing me the chance to wander around and see what I can find?  

Ruppell's Warbler - Icmeler, TURKEY

Olive-tree Warbler - Pefkohori, GREECE

Olivaceous Warbler - Pefkohori, GREECE

Kruper's Nuthatch - Icmeler, TURKEY

Fan-tailed Warbler - Menorca

Cretzschmar's Bunting - Icmeler, TURKEY

These accompanying photos are from previous holiday adventures and are capable of recalling some fantastic memories of places (and people encountered along the way) whilst simply enjoying the experience of exploring new places.

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