Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Variety - "the spice of life"?

   Bev and I were back at The Kent & Canterbury Hospital, on Monday, for a consultation with a neurological doctor. This was purely a result of the anxiety issues which Bev had experienced during the cancer treatment. I won't bother getting into a rant about our broken NHS system, instead, I would rather praise all those medical staff who provided such wonderful care during this saga. However, the outcome of our latest visit was the best result we could have hoped for. No issues with Bev's mental health that can't be attributed to the stresses of uncertainty caused by the length of time which had elapsed from the original diagnosis to that final radiotherapy session. The signal to move on and book that holiday!!!

Elbow-stripe Grass-veneer - probably the most numerous species attracted to the MV trap
during this past week?

The melanistic form of Box-tree Moth. 
Double figures on most nights recently

Quite obviously my angling efforts have been severely curtailed by this situation and rightly so. Bev's health and wellbeing are far more important than me placing another wet fish on an unhooking mat. Fortunately, the garden moth trap has provided much for me to enjoy whilst unable to cast a baited hook. Although aware that I've not been setting the world alight with my garden captures, it's certainly been good fun, of late, with a definite increase in migrants species being present on the egg trays. Rusty-dot and Olive-tree Pearls are daily visitors, in varying numbers, whilst The Delicate, Clancy's Rustic, Dark Sword-grass, Scarce Bordered Straw and Silver Y's are also regularly encountered. I've now recorded three Golden Twin-spots, yet it is the resident species which are providing the bulk of my decent records. Three Hoary Footman, are my first since June, whilst Old Lady, a male Four-spotted Footman, Large Thorn and Centre-barred Sallow have all been new for the year over these past few days.

Scarce Bordered Straw

Hoary Footman

Four-spotted Footman - male

Still, it wouldn't be garden mothing if I didn't have issues with my micro-moth id's. I'm fairly confident that Fleabane (aka Ochreous) Pearl is correct, yet would have no issues if my Rufous Marble conclusion was in need of correction?

Fleabane (aka Ochreous) Pearl -  above
Rufous Marble - below

Hopefully Bev and I have turned the corner and will now be able to get back into some type of normal routine? I don't expect my angling to get any more serious than casting floaters to the Carp in the local club fishery? A holiday break, then Bev's sons wedding after we return, after which it will be Pike fishing here I come - or at least I hope so !

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