Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Thursday 28 January 2021

Getting ready

 "Fail to prepare - prepare to fail!" It's a saying that has accompanied me throughout my adult life, yet remains as valid today as it did in the late-1970's. I've been perusing the BBC weather forecasts and it would appear that tomorrow (Friday) offers the best conditions for me to conduct my "Big Garden Birdwatch". One hour of my time to assist in the biggest citizen science project in the UK. I can submit my results on line, so there's no reason not to be part of this celebration of garden birds and do your bit to assemble data that reflects the status of our common species within this "green & pleasant" land. Being in lockdown mode just makes the 2021 effort that bit more relevant, in my opinion. 

Knowing that I would be partaking in this RSPB initiative, one day over the weekend, our garden feeding station has seen much attention during the preceding week. All six feeders, four sunflower hearts and two fat-balls, have been topped up every morning, plus there has been additional mealworms and bread on offer. The only thing I have not been able to provide is halved apples, a favourite of the local Rose-ringed Parakeets, but they still visit the sunflower feeders so don't go without. We've got to get Bev's Mazda over to Perry's for it's MOT, between 08-09.00 hrs tomorrow, so I'm planning to do the count as soon as we get back from dropping the car off. 

I finish early (20.00 hrs) on a Friday, so will hopefully be able to post my results after my shift has ended? I've added another four species to the BWKm0 effort, over the past couple of days.

No. 38 - Long-tailed Tit - three very quickly moving along the boundary hedge

No. 39 - Meadow Pipit - a single flying west early this morning

No. 40 - Common Gull - after a series of "possible" sightings, I finally managed to add this species due to a nice group of three adults flying, very leisurely, westward thus allowing me clinch the id.

No. 41 - Peregrine - a stunning adult male, right over the garden whilst I was scoping the, ringed male, Greenfinch!! If it wasn't for the local Herring Gulls, I'd have missed it!

Fishing this weekend? I won't hold my breath.


  1. Dyl, as I understand things as regards the Big Garden Birdwatch. I feel the 'one' hour of observation is not so much about numbers of birds and species, but more about how much time your average observer can sit in one place.

    Accurate data is better, and as one who spends a lot of time viewing the garden and it's inhabitants, it's odds on you know more or less, what birds there are and how many.

    Me? I disregard the 'hour' and simply fill in the official data form with the numbers I know to be true. Why not? I see them every day.

    1. Always the cynic? I just watch for the hour because there's nothing better to do!

  2. Hardly worth me taking part, it'll be the same old thing - several dozen sparrows, a couple of Wood Pigeons and a Collared Dove. Despite living in a countryside garden that is surrounded by well shrubbed and and tree-d other gardens. As I've said before, finches, tits and thrushes don't come anymore. It's quite depressing.

    1. I would argue otherwise. It is definitely worth getting involved if only to help produce data that shows what dramatic declines are happening in the populations of our wild birds. Your final line is, however, spot on.
