Once again it's "hats off" to the BBC weather forecast - our day out was rescheduled purely on the advice of the 5-day forecast - it came up trumps! We arrived at Woodchurch just after 10.30hrs and enjoyed unbroken sunshine through until 16.45hrs; when we left to come home.
Yet another great family day out - enjoyed in the company of Ron & Denise (Bev's mum & dad), Debbie (Bev's daughter), Emily, Harry and us! Loads to see and do at the venue, the only gripe was about the numbers of wasps! (not me or Emily) which made having a picnic rather hazardous - Debbie got stung.
American Kestrel - a very tidy little bird and the first time I've ever seen this species |
The rare (old) breeds of farm animals were displayed to the best ability of the venue and the "feely-touchie" sections were fantastic opportunities for kids to experience animals up close. I watched, in awe, as a young blind girl stroked a long-haired guinea-pig - her expression was priceless. Emily ran riot - no surprises there then. We looked at sheep and cows, horses, chickens, turkeys, ducks, ferrets, pigs, more horses, alpacas, butterflies, snakes, lizzards, spiders, giant snails and owls - just too much for a two year old to take in?
This hybrid falcon put on a superb display; often flying between the members of the crowd! |
We watched falconry displays, pig racing and took a ride on a tractor drawn trailer - an excellent way to spend this Bank Holiday Monday. For me it was the display of the birds of prey; a guy called Colin Boardman does a fantastic job of flying/displaying and explaining the role of predatory birds in terms that visitors can identify with.
European Eagle Owl - on its' way! (A very heavy crop for those photo dudes out there) |
I didn't take many photos - Emily took up most of my energy - but I get a lucky break when, after the falconry display was over, Colin took a European Eagle Owl into the arena for a bit of practise. I didn't get close as I had no wish to interfere with the training process, however, I did manage to grab a few shots that are rather pleasing.