Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Monday 30 September 2024

Day twelve - very quiet

Nothing much to report from today's efforts. I took a, mid-morning, stroll up onto the Pentati road and have to say that it was a complete wasted effort. A couple of Common Buzzards, three Ravens, a Peregrine and a frustratingly brief glimpse of what might have been an Eleonora's Falcon about sums up the morning. I'd gone up there in the hope that a butterfly, or two, would pose for the camera kit - what a folly? The brisk wind was, once again, a major factor in the weather conditions despite clear blue skies and glorious sunshine. My only photo, worthy of sharing, was taken yesterday evening. A Mediterranean House Gecko was loafing around on the wall of the entrance staircase. Extension tubes and the 100 - 400 mm lens did the rest.

We've still got well over a week before we are headed back home, surely conditions must get better for encounters with the wildlife of this beautiful island?  One positive today, whilst sitting beside the pool this afternoon, was seeing my first Humming-bird Hawk-moth of 2024. 


  1. Enjoy every day Dyl., it's pretty grim back here weatherwise and sure to be quite a shock to the system.

    1. Hi Derek,
      The main purpose of this extended holiday is to give Bev time to get over the side effects of the radiotherapy treatment. "Touch wood" - everything appears to be going to plan, thus far. That I am struggling to find wildlife willing to pose for the camera kit is just a minor issue. The Irene Apartment complex is a superb place to just chill out and enjoy not being within the everyday situation of home.
      I was already aware of the inclement weather, back in Kent, due to regular visits to the Reculver Birding, Folkestone Birds and Sandwich Bay Obs websites. Obviously reality will kick in soon enough and Dumpton will replace Agios Gordios as our place of residence. However, we'll try our best to enjoy ourselves during the time we have left before that flight back to Gatwick.
      Many thanks for the comment, all the best - Dyl
