Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Sunday 22 September 2024

Day four - a bit of a mix & match

I thought I'd start this offering with a photo of a lizard sp. a sighting which will be repeated on a regular basis throughout the duration of our stay on this fabulous island.Bev pushed herself a little too far, in yesterdays sunshine, so we had a day away from the poolside today. I took an early morning stroll up to the Pentati road where I had a frustratingly brief encounter with a flyover raptor which might well have been a small eagle sp? Not much else to report from the wandering, just a couple of Ravens, a lone Honey Buzzard and another Wood Warbler worthy of note.

The bird of the day was a surreal experience as I was walking back towards our accommodation a Kingfisher flew down the main road and over the local supermarket roof. Madness, although Bev & I heard it calling from the adjacent stream about an hour later when we headed out to grab a light lunch. It was as we were making our way to the Irene pool & bar area that I spotted a smart snake in the dried up bed of the stream. Bollocks! - no camera. Even more frustrating was the fact that it was seen again as we made our way back to the apartment some forty-five minutes later. I was back within ten minutes but, guess what? Got it in one - no sign of the slithering target but, thankfully, there was plenty more subjects happy to pose for the camera kit.

Southern Blue Skimmer is all I've been able to come up with.

The first Praying Mantis of our holiday. I have absolutely no doubts that there will be more.

A Damselfly sp. - "White-legged" possibly?

So there you have it, day four is now consigned to the history books yet, happily, there's plenty more days still to come. I did spend time playing around with some butterflies but, am happy to keep these in reserve in case the weather takes a turn for the worse.

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