Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday 21 September 2024

Day three - a super Saturday

With the weather resuming normal service, Corfu style, I'd gotten Bev sorted beside the pool and was on my way up to the high ground by 09.15 hrs. I reached my chosen destination in just under an hour, having already added Red-rumped Swallow, Sparrowhawk and Alpine Swift to the trip list en route. A group of three Bee-eaters flew over, as I was attempting to get some images of a Spotted Flycatcher perched on the overhead power lines. Almost immediately, there were three Honey Buzzards above me and things were certainly looking good for some raptor movement. I should have known better, as I spent three quarters of an hour staring into empty skies, just an odd hirundine breaking the monotony. I managed to add Whinchat to my list whilst also grabbing some shots of a Spotted Flycatcher, aided by the new 1.4x converter.

I slowly retraced my steps, seeing good numbers of butterflies along the way. Although I was carrying the extension tubes they didn't play a part in todays proceedings. A very confiding Silver-washed Fritillary posed nicely for the 100 - 400 mm lens, and I duly obliged with a series of shots.

Just a few hundred yards further along the path, my attention was drawn to an irate Raven, croaking loudly overhead. This lead to the sighting of an Osprey, which was obviously the cause of the Raven's vocalisation. My first Greek sighting, so a very welcome addition to the trip list.

Little more than five minutes later, I had another couple of Honey Buzzards pass overhead followed by a moulting adult Black Kite. Crazy times and another new Corfu tick, although I have seen this species on Kefalonia previously.

On my way back towards the Irene complex I managed to add Cirl Bunting to the tally so, all in all, a very enjoyable session out in the Corfu sunshine.

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