Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Tuesday 17 January 2023

Afternoon delight

A busy day spent catching up with those "just jobs" which have been put off on more than one occassion. As a result the oven looks like new, the fridge got a proper sort out and preparation for a bedroom revamp is well ahead of our weekend schedule. Much the same for tomorrow, all going well, and hopefully more wardrobe sorting prior to the living room being completely cleared in preparation for a visit from the local chimney sweep. Could  get messy? As I wasn't required to pick up Harry, my grandson, from school this afternoon, I decided to take a short stroll around the farm reservoirs in the hope of spotting the Barn Owl which I've recorded on three, of the past four, sessions down at the venue. 

I had little more than an hour of daylight remaining, as I parked the van and grabbed the camera. A lovely winter's afternoon, the heavy, overnight, frost remaining in the lea of the hedgerows where the sun had failed to reach. It was very satisfying to spot the owl, flying along an adjacent field margin, just before 16.00 hrs and I was grateful for the camera technology being able to function, so well, in the fading light. 

Not much else to report, although a calling male Grey Partridge was another addition to my meagre year list. With the weather forecast to remain very cold all week, I probably won't get the rods out again until after the weekend?


  1. Replies
    1. Barn Owls are the species which I most often see whilst out fishing (or driving to and from). Always a pleasure to spend time watching them going about their hunting routine, patrolling rough ground, occasionally dropping down on some poor, unsuspecting, small rodent. Tawny Owls are far more numerous, locally, but their tree dwelling habits mean that they remain heard, but not seen, for the majority of the time. Hoping things are getting back to some kind or normality at your end? Take care & tight lines - Dylan

  2. Belter! Lovely photos, mate. Always better on a winter's day, somehow. I've been seeing a regular one on the drains. Not been for a while, then the other night I had a barnie fly over my car, just past Jackie Pallo's old house, near Tesco Westwood.

    1. I believe that Barn Owls are far more numerous, locally, than we think. I regularly see them near Jentex and the Haine Road golf range complex. Out on the flatlands they are a regular feature of dawn and dusk periods when the reed lined dykes provide plenty of scope for their laid-back hunting style. I should make the effort to get some better photos but the rods keep getting in the way! I'll get dry January out of the way then we need to get a date sorted out for a light ale in The Churchill. Take care & tight lines - Dyl
