Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday, 4 January 2020

Out in the gloom

Since the start of the New Year thick, grey, cloud has dominated the skies above Thanet. So it was a real pleasure to get down to the marsh, early this morning, with clear skies, thus my first sighting of the sun in 2020! I've managed to get a further two species for the garden photo project with the Raven and a Black-headed Gull added, despite the Mordor-esque flat light.

My first session with the rods was a rather light-hearted affair, choosing to visit a drain with a good population of small pike hoping that I might start the year with a bit of action. I'd love to say my plan produced the desired result, but I fear I managed to create more questions than answers. Three bites, one to each rod, resulted in just one pike in the net, one dropped and the other missed completely? On the positive side, the fish landed was done using that recently manufactured, bottom only, cork bodied float with a free-lined sardine presentation. The two other bites coming to popped-up offerings on simple running leger set-ups.

My session was still very enjoyable mostly because of the bright sunshine which dominated the morning ensuring my binoculars were in regular use. Birding wasn't anything more than very ordinary, given my location, but still provided enough variety to keep me occupied. I did also have a play around with the camera as the dawn broke across the flatlands, just to ensure I had images for the blog, should I be inspired to get a post together? The more I spend time simply watching the rapidly changing light and the resultant skyscapes, at both dawn and dusk, the fun in attempting to capture the "feel" of the moment is becoming part of my angling ritual.

No filters, no fancy photo-shop technology, just as they come off the back of the camera, although admittedly there is a bit of cropping. A nice side show for me to become involved with as my angling adventure takes me to some amazing countryside allowing me to experience these stunning displays.

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