Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday 19 July 2014

Is the story worth telling?

As with all things, within personal experience, my life has been one of extremes. Steve Gale recently posted a comment "There's a book in you!" It is certainly something which I've toyed with, over a number of years, it is on my "bucket list" Will it ever come to fruition?
I'm extremely flattered that anyone would think that my life was worthy of recording - I'm certainly nothing special; just an ordinary guy passing time between birth and eternity (1955 - ?) and enjoying the journey. The antics, and exploits, that have gotten me to where I am today are many and various - mostly fuelled by copious amounts of alcohol; so nothing to be proud of?
Seth Gibson, very generously, added a comment "I'd buy it!" Not sure the endorsement of a self-proclaimed "lunatic" is justification for my putting pen to paper.
I've spoken to Bev about the possibility - she not being a feature in the first forty-five years - and yet she has no objections. There will be some very sorry truths, dirty laundry, if the project ever gets further than the idea stage. I have a very basic idea for a title - (R) Evolution (ary) - one guys' journey through life! If the tale is worthy of telling? It might be better that I do it than leave it for Benno to recall?
I've changed the blog header photo - purely to keep up with this nostalgia gig. Microsoft Word Doc1.
will it ever get past the first chapter? Without any doubt I have been an extremely fortunate individual - a role model? Nothing close - I am a very lucky guy. Quite how long it takes to recall a life time of serious stupidity, I'll let you know if ever this book get written!
P.S. - just as an aside - there was a Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell (butterfly) in Booker's car park yesterday - I discovered it as I walked to work. Gutted that it was the wrong side of Pyson's Road - so not included on my patch list!


  1. Love that header photo! Very evocative...mist, frost, big fat pike. Mapledurham?
    Re the book: I sometimes wonder whether it should be compulsory to get it all down for posterity - for the kids and grandchildren, if for no other reason... It would be like the ultimate retrospective blog!

    1. Gavin - so very good to hear from you (hoping that all is well in the darkest SW?)
      Mapledurham it was - my wife's birthday (to boot & something that Benno was quick to pick up on!)
      A book? I'm still unsure - the content would be one of stupidity, disrepect and anarchy - plus alcohol abuse! Although I can't change the past, I don't feel if that it's the legacy which I wish to pass on?
      I'm not Luke Jennings - what I see is what I will write! Glossing over periods when "I should have known better" isn't in the mix. The death of Les Dudley still hangs heavily upon my life - I should have made so much more effort to help him.
      Many thanks for making the effort to comment - Dyl

  2. Go for it Dylan!
    Anyone who relegates such interesting news to a mere footnote must have some great stuff in the body of the text.

    1. Mr Coates,
      What a rare priviledge sir - hoping all is well in your world?
      That butterfly was something I'd expected for the 14 years of neglecting the garden buddliea - so to discover one seeking moisture beside a car wash was the ultimate patch snub!
      As always - wishing you and yours all the very best - Dyl

    2. I have always believed you could write a good book. I can’t think of a better way to keep the interests of your hobbies alive and even maybe introduce the young uns to pursue. I’d buy it!

    3. Bob, as well you know - any recollections of my crazy past will inorexably contain frequent references to the effect that over-doing the "light ale" can have. Yes, I'm sure that my hobbies and my passion for them might be of interest to a younger generation - but will the glorification of alcahol abuse be the right message to accompany such tales? I am really getting into this project, my perspective is changing as I delve deeper into my past. I'm not even sure now, that my obsession with the great outdoors has played such a key role - factory life seems to keep cropping up in my recollections. Who knows where this exercise will lead?
      Hoping that you and Wendy are well? Send Bev a message on Facebook - we saw a nice photo of you, Gill and Auntie Gladys a few days back - all the best - Dyl
