Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Thinking (about) tackle

I don't know, and have never met, Danny Fairbrass, but have enjoyed, immensely, his underwater "Thinking Tackle" DVDs produced under the Diawa umbrella - by Korda fishing tackle. From very primitive beginnings, the quality and content of these offerings has blown the lid off of many of the preconceptions about "best rigs" and buoyant baits. I found them to be both fascinating and educational; and I'm not a carp angler (the market to which the productions were aimed)

A selection of the bits and bobs that now form my barbel tackle.
The selection of leads are: No.1 - 2oz gripper, No. 2 - 1.5oz textured gripper, No.3 - 1.5oz flat pear
No.4 - 1oz dumpy pear & No.5 - a 1990's 1.5oz "distance" zip lead
What comes across, most clearly, is Danny's meticulous approach and his attention to detail - never happy with "well that'll do!"
The lessons to be learnt can be carried over to many other aspects of non-predatory species angling. I am striving to get to grips with the barbel of the R. Stour and every outing, barbeless as they might be, have the ability to add to my experience and eventual success. I can read books, watch DVDs and chat with as many anglers as I can find to converse with - it will not "make" a barbel take my bait. Hours on the bank, fishing in the right areas, is the only way that I will be able to make my dream become a reality.

I am not sure that this image actually does what I'd hoped?
It shows a version of the "knotless knot" where the hair is angled away
from the hook by the use of three extra turns along from where the hair leaves the shank .
I saw this on a "Thinking Tackle" DVD and have used it ever since - it certainly produces
 a very aggressive angle on the hook, without the need for rig-tube.
Almost all of my waking hours are spent with R. Stour barbel somewhere in my consciousness. Am I using the right hook?, is the bait big enough?, will my Duncan Kay cope? - it goes on and on!
I'm back tomorrow, for another evening session - who know's? The weekend will see no further angling as the family gather in Hemel Hemptsead for a memorial service for mum.

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