Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Sunday 10 March 2013

Close, but no cigar!

The best laid plans, etc, etc... I arrived at the RMC just after 05.30hrs this morning. Had I realised just how much rain had fallen during the previous 48hours I mightn't have bothered. Water levels were about a foot higher than last week with a strong flow, due the open sluice at West Hythe and rafts of floating debris making for very trying conditions.
As the sky lightened, I got three baits out, rod tips just below the surface in order to avoid the flotsam. My baits were all that I had left over from the previous trip, but with the added factor of newly applied red mixed fish oil - in these dirty conditions, anything that might enhance the bait is always worth a try.

A chunky little fish, showing some scarring, from recent spawning activity?

Around 07.30hrs, my middle rod was away (flavoured Bluey) and, after a brief scrap, a pike of 8lbs 15oz graced the folds of my landing net. I grabbed a few token images, as it lay on my weigh sling, feeling sure (correctly; as it turned out) that it might be my final pike of the season. In an attempt to make the image, slightly, more interesting - I placed the Duncan Kay and a Cardinal 155 in the photo. I fished on until 10.30hrs without any other bites. Cracking views of the adult male Marsh Harrier and a rather active Chiffchaff being the avian highlights. Very few people braved the elements, this morning, and I spoke to just two dog-walkers during the entire session. I have very mixed emotions about the RMC, at present, yes we've had some very good fish, but have we really started to get a feel for the venue?
I look forward to next winter and another concerted effort at this wonderful fishery, however, in the interim, I have new challenges and more fish to catch. I might take a couple of weeks off and spend a little time looking for the first Spring migrants - maybe I'll get a photo of a Northern Wheatear, that would be nice!

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