Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Friday 8 September 2023

London Ermel - mothing gold

So yesterday I was bemoaning the garden mothing situation and now I'm absolutely buzzing! What's happened to cause such a drastic change of mood?  About 8mm of micro moth, if you really wish to know the answer. Discovered on the second to last egg tray, this morning, I was almost certain I knew what it was the second I clapped eyes upon it. I had seen a photo, which I was sure had been posted on the Sandwich Bay Obs website, yet I haven't been able to find it again so it may have been somewhere else?. Any how, the camera was quickly in action as I sought to grab a few images to assist my id task when I got back indoors. I got shots of both sides of the insect which, when viewed, appear to show two different individuals. They are, however, the same moth just seen in different lighting situations.

The species was new to science when first discovered, in London, in 2003 and wasn't given a scientific name until 2007. Prays peregrina - aka The London Ermel is now on my garden list and has to be one of the rarest moths I've ever enticed into the Robinson Trap. 

It seems crazy that such a tiny creature can create such emotion yet, I know that I wouldn't want it any other way. Simple encounters enjoyed by a very simple soul.


  1. Great find Dyl. I consider being connected to the natural world as one of life's free gifts. It keeps us on the level and is there to be experienced if we can dispense with the notion that to quote/paraphrase Dick Walker, "That a sufficiency of material possessions and synthetic entertainment will guarantee human happiness".

    1. Hi Ric, if the truth were told this tiny insect found me, rather than the other way around. What intrigues me most is the fact that it is only known from UK specimens, which are considered to be adventive from some Asiatic origins via food or plant imports. Quite how it remained unknown to science until this crazy set of circumstances just makes getting one in the garden trap that much more exciting. Looking at the Kent Moths website, there are only fourteen previous county records, so it is a very special creature to get on the garden list!
      As always, cheers for the comment. Hoping all is well with Bronwyn and yourself, stay safe - Dyl
