Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Thursday 28 July 2022

Barnies, Bernard & Ric

An off the cuff session, down at Brook Lake, was nothing more than "fun fishing". Exactly the same kit as I'd used on Tuesday, my results were also very similar. Another two "doubles", both Mirrors, gracing the landing net were the highlight of, over a dozen, Carp which fell to my floating baits. After the previous session, I concentrated on ensuring that my freebies were introduced at regular intervals, even whilst I was playing a fish. Just a small handful required to keep the ravenous hoard in my swim, I was probably rebaiting every 90 secs. Over the duration of my session I used in excess of 2 kg (dry weight) of mixed (Happy Shopper 'cos they're cheap as chips) dog & cat biscuits. My guess is that I hooked around one in four fish, which took my floating baits, landing even fewer due to the tiny size 12, barbless, Guru hook that I was using. Bottom line, which ever way I look at the session, it was absolutely spot on - enjoyment personified.

11 lbs 8 oz - what an advert for the "Carp Faggots" and their brainless use of 
"big pit" tackle on a carp puddle. The one below tipped the scales at 13 lbs 10 oz and 
provided a superb test of the Mk IV Avon and Match Aerial centrepin.

Now for some rather more serious words, if I'm capable? Firstly, I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Bernard Cribbins, earlier today. In the crazy era of my angling past, I had the great fortune to bump into him on two occasions. The first time was at Lynch Hill, where I had just landed a 23 lbs Pike and he, along with Peter Stone, were fishing in a boat besides me and helped with the unhooking and subsequent photos. At the time, Bernard said that it was biggest Pike he'd ever seen!

The next time we crossed paths was at Mapledurham, on The Thames. I was Pike fishing in the mill pool whilst Bernard was filming a "Jackanory" series for the BBC. Standing in the doorway of the watermill, he was telling the tale of "Wind in the Willows" yet, being the gentleman he was, still had time to speak with me and recall that Lynch Hill encounter a few years previous. RIP Bernard.

Finally just a sentence to wish Ric F, a speedy recovery from the surgery he underwent earlier today. We haven't actually crossed paths since being members of The Tring Syndicate way back in the 1980's. You're in my thoughts, mate, and Sye sends his best wishes.

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