Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Saturday 29 August 2020

Garden wildlife by day and night

 I would, grudgingly, have to acknowledge the Covid-19 pandemic being responsible for my, ever increasing, parochial approach to looking at the wildlife which shares the space I occupy. For me it's no longer about numbers on lists; more like simple pleasure gained from the experience. I can happily look at invertebrates without feeling a requirement to put a name to the species, God forbid the need to stick a pin through it and place it under a microscope, much in the same way I'm able to catch a "scamp" carp and not need to put it in the sling to place a weight upon the encounter.. It's my game - my rules! Because of the limitations surrounding caring for Bev's mum, we have to be very cautious about where, when and who we meet during our daily routine. The ever present threat of being the carrier of Covid-19, which ultimately could be responsible for Denise's demise, is not something either of us take lightly. Understandably, this places great restrictions upon our ability to lead (semi) normal lives. It won't require the skills of Albert Einstein to spot the enjoyment hedgehogs are providing at present. Using the camera kit has enabled me to start amassing a "rogues gallery" of images which shows there are a minimum of five individuals using our feeding station during the hours of darkness. This is a project which will continue for the foreseeable future.

Both of the above images have been "spot fixed" using the base level 
program which comes with Microsoft software. Not too sure that it works?

As much fun as the hedgehogs are, there is loads of other stuff happening around the garden, day and night, which provides stimulus to keep looking. Over 200 House Sparrows this morning, before dispersing across the Newlands farm land. With so much activity around the feeders it came as no surprise when a juvenile female Sparrowhawk pitched up on a garden bench,. My images are from inside the study, via the double glazed back door - still a very pleasing result under the circumstances.

There's not been too much other stuff going on around the Newlands area recently. With the onset of autumn it must change - surely?

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