Who am I?

My photo
An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Friday 7 June 2013

Not long now

There has been some fairly heavy shit circulating the blogs which form the bulk of my cyber surfing. Mis-id'd warblers in Devon and the subsequent "twitcher" fall out - all very amusing; soul searching and introspective analysis - the need for nostalgia and the questioning of "why do we bother blogging?"
I have no answers, but am happy to read the varied postings of other guys who also feel the need to air their thoughts in a public arena; I find comfort in the fact that I'm not unique!
It could simply be an age thing? Not that it is of any real importance - just a single thought amidst masses of others. Work continues to dominate my life, we are in Saturday and Sunday this weekend, just to keep up with our burgeoning order levels. A fantastic result for the marketing department and  senior management strategy of factory efficiencies and continuous improvement projects. Confidence in the ability of FSIS to manufacture and deliver quality inks must be at an all time high?
I spoke with Benno, earlier today, and he is buzzing about the prospect of getting back to the R. Stour. The start of the season is "Father's Day" - Sunday 16th June. He already has plans to fish a particular swim, I will wait and see what pans out. I went back to Dragon Carp Direct, this morning, and purchased another Matt Hayes "Limited Edition" centrepin (No. 56 - I already own No. 55) so that I now have a matching pair with which to pike fish the RMC later in the year. Before then, however, I hope to spend some time in pursuit of Chub and Barbel, the pleasure of catching fish from flowing water is hard to beat.
My best Chub, so far, 5lbs 2oz from the Kentish R.Stour
With one week to go, I hope that the overtime (welcome as it is) doesn't interfere with my plans - too much. A Chub of 5lbs 3oz or Barbel of 9lbs 3oz will do the trick - at present my PB's are both an ounce lighter!

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