I was at the drain, fishing three rods, before 06.40 hrs. The two Mk IV's had ABU Cardinal 66X's fitted whilst a Duncan Kay was teamed with a Mitchell 300. Baits were 1/2 dyed & flavoured Mackerel, a dyed Rainbow Trout and a small roach, as it comes! These baits have been in my freezer since we returned from Scotland at the beginning of May, so they were a little soft. Within five minutes of casting out, the middle rod was away and resulted in a lovely fish of 9 lbs 8 oz. Less than fifteen minutes later, my left-hand rod had a bite and this time a fish of 11 lbs 4 oz graced the landing net. A quick check revealing it to be a fish that I'd taken previously, so I slipped her back un-photographed.
I'd planned to leap-frog the rods down the drain every half hour, or so, and was just thinking about moving when the middle rod was away again, this time I bumped a really small jack which threw the bait (and hooks) as I got it to the surface. The two successful rods had been moved and I was just thinking about the roach, "Did I need to enhance this bait in any way?", when the bite alarm stuttered into life and I found myself attached to a nice pike of around 7 lbs. A couple more moves provided just one more take, a spirited fish of around 5 lbs bending the cane quite nicely. It was just after 09.10 hrs that I was positioning my final rod when Bev rang to see how I was getting on and what time I was planning to pack up? I told her that 10.00 hrs was my target and I'd be home before eleven.
With that I noticed my mate Neil, the local birder, walking along the bank towards me. It was good to have a chat about the recent autumn and what we'd seen. Lots of juicy gossip about discontent within the "great & good" of Kent's finest following the "suppression" of an Arctic Warbler (and on Thanet - who'd have thought it?) Am I glad that I'm well out of that scene - bloody grown men falling out over a bunch of feathers; still they could be waving placards complaining about Brexit or Donald Trump, couldn't they? Neil was just getting ready to leave, when the rod I'd cast last rattled away and resulted in the second "double" of the morning, a proper scraper - happy days! He was kind enough to grab a few photos before heading off on the remainder of his circuit. It was fast approaching 10.00 hrs and I was happy to pack up. It had been a very productive morning and rather entertaining on several levels.
It only just made it - 10 lbs 2 oz, but much appreciated all the same! |
Must of been a beautiful dawn on the marsh, with that great orange sun coming up, or it was here in Surreywhere I am for the weekend.
ReplyDeleteAmusing the suppression stuff, I love doing it. Why should a load of twitchers listening in to pagers get the benefit of what I've got off my arse and found.
Derek, the dawn was a very grey affair - the sun didn't break through the clouds until after 09.00 hrs, as I was chatting with Neil. Suppression is a very emotive subject, particularly for the birding lame-brained (Those obsessed/ mega-intelligent) individuals who require a pager, not binoculars and time in the field, to get additions for their lists! I had absolutely no idea about this situation, until this morning - it warmed the cockles of my heart! - Dyl
DeleteDifferent for me. My primary purpose appears to be to find something or make a discovery in order to share with others.
ReplyDeleteI was once alerted to a good bird but like the finder, had no connections to call. Went away, went back for another look and bumped into another birder, just looking about like I did on spec. "Heard about the Night Heron?" wtf!
He saw it. Made calls, and people came running. The smiles on the faces of the early arrivers made my day.
Not sure what I'd do if a rarity appeared in my own garden. I'll worry about that if it happens. It won't. Common Whitethroat is best yet.
Sorry for the delay in my reply, I did try yesterday, but had too much going on to get it finished, so it got lost when I logged off! I have two contrasting slants on suppression. My first is that no bird, appearing at an NNR, RSPB or other similar, membership/tax payers funded, site should be kept from those who pay for the upkeep of such facilities. The news should be released for those interested individuals to make an informed decision on whether or not to go see it. I am not adverse to the charities using pay per view tactics, to enhance their coffers under such circumstances. A rare breeding bird? - that's exactly what these reserves were created for and why they have paid staff to warden them - and that's one side of the coin!
DeleteMy other stance is that ordinary patch birders, beyond the domain of reserves and public areas, those guys out there scratching around for scant reward, should in no way feel obliged to release news of any sighting into the public domain. The absolute chaos of a twitch can undo so many good things that have taken an individual (or small group) ages to establish. It could be access, the permission to leave a public right of way, or look into someone's garden; the scenarios are endless, but the end result will be the same if a rare bird turns up and a major twitch results. The idiot brigade, who ruin it for everyone else, will not be the casualties in these situations - it will be the fault of the finder for releasing the news that attracts the venom, and backlash, from the non-birding locals, directly affected by the invasion of privacy. Under these circumstances it should always be the discretion of the finder which takes president.
As you say, the enjoyment of sharing has a lot going for it. I've released news of umpteen Kent scarcities since I moved here and have enjoyed fantastic times in the company of, like-minded, souls who's only purpose is to be part of the experience. I've also seen (and been on) the other side of the behavioral spectrum - something which I can't recommend to anyone, although it is only age that has gotten me to this point. My sharing now is far more intimate, I put the net under Benno's first "double-figure" Barbel, and twenty pound, Catfish, Pike and Carp (in that order!) - that sharing thing doesn't get much more intense than when it's with your kids (or grand-kids?)
Have I lost the plot or just grown up (old)? - Dyl
ReplyDeleteDyl. have a look at the above.
Already been there and left a comment - but, thanks for thinking of me! Dyl