Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Sunday 23 October 2016

So much going on - October-fest!

For the second time, in a week, a two post day! Got to make the most of this spell of blogging proliferation whilst the material lasts. I got up relatively early, 07.15 hrs, for a Sunday, and spent much of the morning pottering around in the kitchen. Luckily we have a full length glass backdoor panel and I am able to conduct the breakfast rituals without missing any of the action on. and around, the feeding station. I kept my camera and bins close to hand as almost the first visitor of the morning was a smart male Chaffinch - a very good bird here!
I wasn't to be disappointed, the action was constant and the variety rather quirky, as befits this time of year. House Sparrows wouldn't cause a stir, generally, but to have 60+ in the garden was a nice demonstration of my feeding station's effect on the local population. I fed the Java Sparrows, early morning, and made the effort to throw the sweepings (waste seed) onto the lawn, thus further enhancing the attraction of the garden. My visit to the aviary coincided with the fledging of a new "Silver" - I didn't realize that there were any more broods on the go!

The seed had an almost instant effect; the massed ranks of House Sparrows descending onto the lawn to compete with the Collared Doves for this new source of sustenance. A flashing white rump and there, in the midst of the throng, was a Brambling - result! A pair of Rose - ringed Parakeets and some very strange behaviour from a Magpie kept me entertained for much of the morning. It never rains - it pours!

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