Whenever Bruno and I are out, on a walk, my binoculars are around my neck and the EOS 90d & long lens hung over my shoulder. Under no circumstances could this be construed as serious birding yet, on the odd occassion, I have been fortunate to encounter birds worthy of note. My involvement with The Save Minster Marshes gang has meant that images which haven't been used on the blog are still shared with others via the various media platforms used by the group. With the situation as it is, currently, I feel sure that my Minster Marshes stuff will feature prominently in my blog offerings.
A displaying male Skylark |
One of the local Buzzards eyeing up Bruno as a possible meal? |
The garden Moth Trap (a 125w Robinson MV model) will also play a key role in providing content all the while Bev's health remains central to our daily routine. So, as to illustrate what I mean, a Dark Sword-grass was discovered on the egg trays, this morning. In itself, nothing particularly noteworthy, apart from the fact that it's still March! Is it a migrant?
Dark Sword-grass |
Then I have still got the garden feeding stations to fall back on if I'm really struggling for blog content. Last night there were two Foxes visiting the feeding bowl and, despite the double glazed window, allowed me to play around with the camera kit.
I'll end it with another sorry tale of a broken system. The cancer team had a meeting on Thursday, which resulted in a Friday morning consultation for us. The only problem being that no-one bothered to contact us with the info, thus it didn't happen. Dr. Podder phoned this afternoon, apologising for the error and explaining what he wants to happen next (very quickly!). As I said in the previous post, I will use the blog to tell my side of this story, as it unfolds, warts and all!.
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