Who am I?

An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Monday 6 November 2023

Off the mark

Since my success on 12th October, I've had a further seven sessions out with the rods each and every one a total blank! The impact that the two major storms, Babet and Ciaran, have had obviously played a role, but I did mix it up a bit with two sessions after Eels and a, rather half-hearted, bash for some local Perch. Still, if you don't experience the hard times, there is no way you'll enjoy the successes. Today has provided me with just such an outcome. My first Pike session of this new season and I decided that I'd return to a drain where I'd failed to catch an Eel, last Friday. If I'd known how coloured the water was, I certainly wouldn't have bothered setting the alarm for 05.00 hrs, but that's of no consequence now.

I parked the van, close to the stables, just before 05.45 hrs and went through the ritual of loading the barrow and pushing my kit over a mile along the farm track to reach my chosen swim. Two rods fishing by 06.25 hrs, I sat back to watch the sky brighten, although sunrise was obscured by dense cloud cover. Binoculars to hand, I was first entertained by a Short-eared Owl being harrased by a female Peregrine, then a magnificent adult male Merlin perched up in the top of a Hawthorn just along the drain. I then enjoyed prolonged views of a stunning Dog Fox, hunting mice/voles in a flooded field directly behind my position. It was a good to be alive morning, even if the water conditions weren't particularly favourable. At 08.15 hrs the right hand alarm sounded, as a fish had been tempted by the popped-up Roach deadbait, heavily flavoured with mixed fish oils and Predator Plus. It was a splendid tussle, lasting a good five minutes, before my prize was drawn over the net chord. 

An absolutely magnificent Pike, of 17 lbs 2 oz, being my reward for the effort involved in being there. I remained on site until 10.30 hrs, without any further fishy action. I really couldn't care less. It had been a fabulous morning, out on the flatlands, and to see it finish on a high a lone Swallow flew south as I was packing the kit away. "There's certainly more to fishing than catching fish."


  1. Beautiful pike - those blanks just melt away when you’re looking down on a fish like that in the net - at least they do for me…

    1. Hi Brian,
      Once again I am very grateful that you've made the effort to offer a comment. Going fishing and not catching anything? I'd be considered an expert, or maybe I'd just signed up to Greenpeace, given my track record over the past fifty years!
      Today's session was everything I could wish for out on the flatlands. Wildlife encounters and a decent Pike - it doesn't get much better in my opinion. I'd just like to add a thank you for that spark of an idea. I'm now in search of a "double" Pike from two new venues which I will hopefully manage over the course of the winter?
      Take care, stay safe and tight lines - Dylan

  2. Look at the colours on that! What a stunning Pike. Congrats on such a fine start to the season.

    Some enviable wildlife encounters too. Perfect. 👌

    1. Hi Gav,
      It really was a good to be alive morning out there on the marsh. The drain I was fishing is usually gin clear and, during the summer months, heavily weeded. I imagine it is a direct result of this environment that the Pike are so well marked? It was a very pleasing way to get my 2023/24 campaign up and running. For the sun to shine whilst I got my photos just helped to highlight just what a magnificent individual had graced my landing net.
      Good to note that you've emerged from the "moth trance" and are now back out birding.
      All the best - Dyl

  3. Great result and she looks in really great condition too, a good change from some of the thin fish a couple of years back on the flatlands.

    1. Thanks Jonathan,
      She was in superb condition and is the heaviest Pike I've caught out there since February 2012.

  4. Great fish Dylan. Well done. the eel bug will be uncurable you know that. had my 1st 2 winter eels this week.

    1. Cheers for the comment. Having already enjoyed a successful winter Eel campaign (Oct 2015 - Mar 2016) I'm am now happy to dabble when the whim takes me. I would, however, at some stage like to target a "six - plus" as my 7 lbs 1 oz PB was a total fluke.
