Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Monday 12 June 2023

MV mayhem

The invasion of Thanet by hoards of Diamond-backs and Green Oak Tortrix (they're moths) continues apace and this morning I was greeted by sea of green as I switched off the trap at 05.00 hrs. Absolutely no chance of anything approaching an accurate count as there were hundreds on the outside of the trap which were disturbed by my presence. If I were pressed for an approximate number, then in excess of 1,000 would be my guestimate, but it could well have been twice that number? The local House Sparrows are having a field day as a direct result of these insects being attracted to the 125w MV light. The tortrix's out numbered the Diamond-backs at a ratio of 5:1 (approx) so they were also very plentiful. 

Bramble Shoot Moth

A good number of additions to the garden year list included the likes of White Satin Moth, Square-spot Rustic, Dark Arches and Small Dusky Wave. The micros were also well represented and my camera was called into action on a regular basis as I checked the egg trays. Seven Silver Y and three Pearly Underwing were the only other migrants, but I did manage another Lime Hawk-moth which is very pleasing.

Dark Neb

Running the garden moth trap is very much akin to "scamping" down at the local carp puddle. It is not something which I take particularly seriously. What I do, or don't, identify is of no concern to anyone else. The effort involved is purely for my own enjoyment and nothing more.

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