Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Tuesday 13 June 2023

Closure, or just see you later?

 It was 2nd August 2016 that my Dad passed away, peacefully, in his sleep and so, as a direct consequence, meant that I (Dylan the long-haired twat) inherited "head of the family" status. Today, at 11.00 hrs, nine, of the ten, remaining "Wrafties" assembled at St Nicholas Church, in Ash, to finally get Dad's ashes interred. The Rev. Nigel Hale conducted a lovely, simple, service and we, as a family, are now able to draw a line under this part of our journey. Today would have been Dad's 96th birthday, so it was quite a special event. Because of Mum & Dad's devout christian values, Tim, Sye and I were completely happy to allow Nigel to conduct the service with the all religious content without any objections. Why had it taken us so long, nearly seven years, to get Dad's ashes buried next to Mum's? Laziness, logistics, covid-19 and any other excuse you can think of. All that really matters is that it's done now and we can move on, plus I don't have Dad's ashes stuffed under my side of the bed any longer.

Mum & Dad 
Inspirational founders of St. Faith's at Ash - they have certainly left a legacy to be proud of.

From the church we drove across to The Crown, at Finglesham, where the family enjoyed a fabulous few hours reminiscing and generally catching up. A superb meal was enjoyed and the whole experience proved to be one of thorough positivity. We talked about the wording for the plaques that will be placed within the St. Nicholas churchyard and also planned further meet ups to sort out a headstone for Dad's brother, Bill, and their Mum (Nanny Sue) & Dad (Granddad Will) at the cemetery in Ealing. Give it another seven years and we'll probably have got that done too! It's been a pretty good day, if you ask me!

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