Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday 14 June 2023

And relax!

 Migration within the natural world is a fascinating phenomenon which has kept scientists and casual observers, alike, intrigued throughout history. Via the wonders of modern technology, David Attenborough has been able to allow us a ringside seat to witness herds of Wildebeest, Antelopes and Zebras make their way across the African plains yet, even from my own back garden it is possible to marvel at this spectacle. Could be something as simple as Wood Pigeons moving en mass, or the sights and sounds of a passing skien of wild geese. For those of us inclined to look at such things, they are a wonderful reminder of the constant changes in the wildlife dynamic which surrounds us. 

Green Oak Tortrix - the main protagonist in the recent influx

This past week has seen an arrival of moths on a scale that is way beyond my comprehension. The Green Oak Tortrix movement seems to have passed it's peak, yet the tiny Diamond-backs are still very numerous on the egg trays of the garden MV moth trap.If my modest garden is capable of attracting these insects in their thousands, just imagine how many tens of millions must have been involved within the bigger picture? Absolutely mind-numbing, well it is to a simpleton like me! What caused it to happen? Where are they now? Surely the local House Sparrows haven't eaten them all. 

Diamond-back - very much second fiddle thus far

Running the garden trap is purely for my own entertainment. What I can't id, then so be it, I certainly won't be losing any sleep over such issues. Mothing is a wonderful aside to my other interests in the outdoors and the creatures which share my space. Keeping lists, counting individuals is absolutely fine, if it floats your boat. For me it is all about looking. Mothing's not my job or an obsession, just another manifestation of my curiosity for seeing what other life forms inhabit my world. That there are occasions when moths have travelled incredible distances to end up in the garden is further justification for me to keep tending the plants to enhance my chances of further events like those of this past week. 

An absolutely immaculate example of
The Delicate. Migrant or local origins? Who knows or cares?

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