Who am I?

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!


Wednesday 5 April 2017

Carp - but not as we know them!

Benno, Luke and I were, once again, on the banks of our latest venue, carp fishing. Only our second visit but, this time, all three of us had located some carp activity prior to casting our baits. Things were looking up until four lads, in kayaks, ruined any realistic chances with their inconsiderate (and illegal - they had no life jackets and, therefore, permission to be using the waterway) behavior. Not only did they paddle past as we were setting up, they made a return visit as darkness was falling and used all the manners of "Council House Central" to demonstrate their contempt for others. Chav's - nothing more, but something else we'll have to learn to tolerate as the project advances. They weren't aggressive, just enjoying themselves but with zero consideration for the impact of their actions upon others. It wasn't a complete waste of effort as Benno actually caught a carp! It's the first week of April - what's going on? The first I knew was when a garbled message came through on the walkie-talkie! "I've only f**king got one!"

My initial reaction was "result!" Benno not quite so sure once he'd examined his prize. It was a freak of a carp - more like a boomerang than a fish. Very long, but with a distinctive "kinked" back bone, it went just over twelve pounds on the Rubens - in good nick it should have gone twenty!
Where do we go from here? Well it's a start and there are many other fish in the venue. There can be no doubting that they get a serious amount of angling pressure during the course of a year. Our challenge is to test ourselves to see if we are capable enough to adapt our tactics to deal with these new conundrums and those alternative approaches of the unknown anglers?

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