Well that's it - Autumn is already upon us! My walk home from work, yesterday afternoon, revealed the first, Newland's Farm, juvenile Willow Warbler flitting about the hedgerow beside the footpath. Much in keeping with the vast majority of fellow bloggers, the passage of south-bound Common Swifts had been witnessed. My personal peak count being 300+ in little more than 10 minutes on Monday 27th July, whilst I was on my main break (around 10.00 hrs)
A Common Swift photographed earlier this morning. Good numbers moving south, but not with such purpose as
had been noted previously. Probably due to the abundance of food present today? |
Swallows have also been a feature during the week, but only because their complete absence as a breeding species, has made any record a welcome bonus! Numbers have been very low, although Meadow Pipits have started to become a regular feature again. A Lapwing flew north as I was examining the contents of the moth trap, earlier this morning and I've heard both Curlew and Whimbrel calling in the darkness as I've been outside, watching the activity around the light.
Carcina quercana - the moth straight off the cover of Micro Moths.
I got done over, again, somewhere out on The Ash Levels - I missed an absolute screaming take on a flouro pop-up. I have to assume carp, but wrong rig set-up? The three drains are centre of all my activity at present - I'm baiting regularly with a light scattering of munger and hook baits. My "Bruce & Walker" challenge may well be coming to a finale? The last piece in the jig-saw will be in place on, or possibly before, 15th August. Simon has got that Heron bite alarm back into working order - it will be a very special moment when I realise that dream of a carp on a Mk IV, Mitchell 300 and Heron alarm. A project with it's roots firmly based in an era before I'd even picked up a fishing rod.
The reason why our garden is planted - a superb insect and always welcome. |
A Humming-bird Hawk was feeding on the buddleia in the front garden, mid-morning and the local gulls are in a feeding frenzy as there is a major emergence of flying ants, today. Butterflies are numerous, but not varied, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Large & Small White and the first, of the 2nd generation Holly Blues providing the bulk of sightings. Odd Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral and Painted Lady adding to the spectacle, but it is a fairly dismal reflection of the habitat that the area provides these wonderful insects.
Yes, I think you're right about the Autumn. When I arrived on the reserve this morning at 6.15 a mist was rising up off the marsh and thousands of cobwebs in the grass were being highlighted by the sun shining on the dew on them - very much like a September dawn. Oh, and 11 Whimbrel flew over high going south, calling as they went.
ReplyDeleteHi mate, to my way of thinking, we are approaching the best period of the whole seasonal cycle. The autumn migration of our avian populations is a spectacle of equal merit to those of the wandering herds on the Serengeti? Mothing can be exceptional and the fishing doesn't come any better, especially the Sept/Oct period. Those tell tale signs are a reminder to keep an open eye (and mind) to the possibilities that only autumn can deliver. As for your previous comment - £30 on a phone, you flash git! My little Samsung cost £8.97 in Tesco and is a source of constant entertainment to the other guys on my shift. I have to keep reminding them of the actual purpose of said item as I've already got a camera, computer, t/v and music centre! - Hoping all is well with you and yours? Dyl
DeleteSorry, for me March to June is the best period. Set/Oct are nice enough but it means the dreaded winter is just round the corner.
DeleteAs for the phone, well I thought I would splash out - receive calls/make calls, what else do you need it for.
Can't argue against that, if it is how you see it? Exciting enough, with the winter behind us, but all the birds are adults and, by then, must know what they're about or would be out of the gene pool? As a pike angler, I very much look forward to the onset of the cold weather - however, these recent mild, wet and windy periods that masquerade as a "cold snap" are as much fun as a visit to the dentist! - Dyl